Waterscapes of Finland
Simon Graham är engelsman, uppväxt i Sydafrika och nu förvisad till Finland. Vad skall man göra där om inte fotografera sjöar och skärgård? Ni som gillar snygga bilder skall kolla in hans samling på flickr.
Boskär Sunset. This was taken at 01h00. I have traveled all over the world in the last 15 yrs (India,nearly all of South America, Africa, Asia, Australia etc etc and I can truly say the the Archipelago islands in the South West of Finland is probably in the top three destinations I have ever been to in my life, Honest. I was so blown away by not only its sheer vastness but how amazingly beautiful the area was. If you have never thought about taking a break in Finland I seriously erge you to consider a vacation here and especially a trip around its Archipelago islands.
Early morn lake Nasijarvi