BMW Oracle ny utmanare
New York Supreme Court har sagt sitt. CNEV, den påhittade spanska klubben, hade inte rätt att utmana Alinghi. Nu tar Golden Gate Yacht Club över den rollen. 1-0 till Larry Ellison. Analyser och spekulationer lär ta fart i morgon (Mark Chisnell, Valencia Sailing & Rule 69)
The court concludes that CNEV’s challenge is invalid, and that GGYC is Challenger of Record pursuant to the Deed. GGYC’s breach of fiduciary duty claim against SNG is dismissed.
Här är hela domen för den som går igång på sånt (pdf).
Today Justice Kahn of the Commercial Division of the New York Supreme Court, ruled in favour of the Golden Gate Yacht Club over the invalidity of the present Challenger of Record for the America’s Cup. This means that the hastily formed Spanish Yacht Club, the CNEV no longer can be Challenger of Record for the 33rd America’s Cup and have been replaced by the Golden Gate Yacht Club, representing Larry Ellison’s BMW Oracle Racing team.
It is now up for the GGYC and the Societe Nautique de Geneve (ie BMW Oracle and Alinghi) to negotiate a new Protocol or the 33rd America’s Cup reverts to a Deed of Gift America’s Cup – presumably in 90ft long multihulls.
Ernesto Bertarelli, President of Alinghi said: “We are disappointed that a technicality made the CNEV invalid and we are now looking forward to discussions with the Golden Gate Yacht Club to keep the America’s Cup functioning.”