Sweet… MD35
När vi ändå är inne på Mark Mills så kan vi inte bortse från MD35.
Foto: Emil Nilsson från Southhampton-mässan.
The md35 daysailer is the result of long discussions between some of the most experienced sailors and one-design promoters in world yachting. They identified the need for a competitive one-design yacht in which the focus is high- quality fleet racing, placing a premium on experience and tactical awareness instead of athleticism and endurance. The brief was for a fast, stable design which sails to windward as well as she goes offwind, thus ensuring engaging fleet racing. The design needed to combine classical style and grace with a simple layout for sailing, transportation and maintenance. Mills Design has created in the md35 a yacht with all these characteristics in an exciting package which is certain to capture a wide following.
The md35 will appeal to the experienced sailor who enjoys close, exacting competition. He may have experience with a big boat campaign and its funding and logistical requirements, or he may have enjoyed sailing smaller one-design keelboats, but wants a drier and easier boat to sail. The sailor who enjoys true one-design competition in a performance daysailer that offers the perfect balance of satisfaction and commitment will feel the md35 has been made for him.
The md35 is a one-design which can truly be sailed internationally by benefiting from very low cost container purchase and transportation. Enjoy large, high-quality fleet racing at events such as Key West, Cowes Week, the Big Boat Series, and Block Island without the costs associated with large crews and yacht shipping. Class restrictions ensure that yachts are identical, protecting the nature of the design and limiting the expense associated with racing this yacht on a level playing field .
The class website is md35class.com, and here are copies of boat tests from the industry insider site The Daily Sail and the UK’s widest circulation racing journal Yachts and Yachting.
The key points which define the md35 as a concept and as a class are:
- Stability derived from a large bulb and not a hiking crew will promote close tactical racing.
- Dimensions of hull and cockpit ensure a fast, dry, ride just like a big boat.
- Simplicity of layout reduces crew numbers.
- High quality construction and finish.
- A fusion of modern and classic styling ensures wide visual appeal.
- Comfortable cockpit with seats below the sheerline.
- Furling jib and powered main winch for fingertip sail control.
- Inboard engine avoids long tricky sailing back to the mooring.
- Simplicity encourages daysailing.
- Lifting keel design improves towing and storage.
- Easy to trailer and launch
- Rolls inside standard shipping container for transport or storage.
- Cheap container transport allows participation at events worldwide.
Dec 1, 2007 @ 21:08
Jag trodde ju aldrig jag skulle vilja byta båt igen……….
Dec 1, 2007 @ 21:49
Fortsätt med tofterna hela vägen bak så är den jävligt lik en 11:a bakifrån
Dec 2, 2007 @ 00:26
– Sweet, javisst, men en 11 MOD gir vel mye av den samme moroa til en fraksjon av prisen.
– “Comfortable cockpit with seats below the sheerline.”
Vel, med ca 10 cm ryggstøtte er den jo ingen sofabåt akkurat.
– Hvis den banale muzaken i YouTube-filmen er tilpasset målgruppen, så faller nok jeg klart utenfor.
Feb 3, 2008 @ 23:46
Rätt signaturen pnt! Vilken båt! Men det kostar om man ska ligga på topp, men man slipper italienska designkostnader…
En dagseglare som ofta seglas bara av en som är segelkunnig alternativt solo kan gärna vara vass på bidevind.
Har du folk med ombord så sätt en genacker som står bra tack vare bogspröt.
En dagseglare seglas i vackert väder och ryggstöd får man i fåtöljen när man kommit hem…
Ljuv musik uppstår i mitt inre när jag läser linjespelet och ser båtens rörelser i YouTube-filmen. Andras musikval är oväsentligt Harald H.
Samma fart får man säkert i en 11 M OD, men den kräver mer än soloseglare och säg inte att utseendet och detaljerna är betydelselösa.