The real deal. Undrar om någon lyckas övertala Roger att ställa upp på ett onlinespel?
Fredag 19:00 UTC (20:00 svensk tid) går starten i New York. Målet är Plymouth och “weapon of choice” är 125-fots katamaraner. Hittills är 50 anmälda. Tur att det är online, annars hade det varit trångt på startlinjen.
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Perfekt nöje en fredagskväll?
The short version: There’s a an atlantic race on friday 19.00 UTC, and we’ve also released a new client. Go to and check it out. The new client can be downloaded by clicking Download on the website.
The long version:
First, thanks everyone who sailed Sydney Hobart with us, it was great fun! The database hickups added an extra challenge for everyone, but in the end we think it turned out great. Congratulations to Laiska who scored his second win in a major event!
This friday (the 18th January) 19.00 UTC we’re starting an atlantic race. This race is different from the shorter ones we’ve done so far, and it will be an interesting challenge. Please join us on Friday, registration is open now! Don’t forget to upgrade to Beta 6 for this race.
We have also been working on a new client. It contains a bunch of bug fixes and a few improvements. There should be less freezes and a more stable updates. We’ve also added a nice tool suitable for the atlantic race, a measuring tool. Don’t forget to switch to great circle navigation under the Show menu when measuring long distances!
Happy Sailing
Sailport Crew
För er som undrar hur det gick på Sydney Hobart så är här topp 20. 16:e var väl helt OK av 259. Man vill gärna komma topp 10, men då måste man chansa lite. Och den här gången gjorde topptrion inga misstag.
1. Laiska, Dec 28th 13:44
2. JerryM, Dec 28th 13:58
3. TangosailingPunktnu, Dec 28th 14:00
4. 153623, Dec 28th 14:49
5. jakob, Dec 28th 15:05
6. Oceanspray, Dec 28th 15:28
7. Tobe, Dec 28th 15:36
8. danne, Dec 28th 15:37
9. SWE54, Dec 28th 15:50
10. Tomas, Dec 28th 15:55
11. xthyra, Dec 28th 16:02
12. Bagi, Dec 28th 16:17
13. eriklindsten, Dec 28th 16:38
14. Outlandish, Dec 28th 16:41
15. ladrik, Dec 28th 16:43
16. blur, Dec 28th 17:29
17. scampimicke, Dec 28th 17:33
18. Lattjolajbanladan, Dec 28th 17:44
19. apelsinsaft, Dec 28th 17:46
20. pruneau, Dec 28th 17:51