Mattias Rahm vann!!!
3-0 i finalen! Grattis som fan! Foto: Dan Ljungsvik.
Och det är ju inget dåligt gäng han har med sig: Oscar Angervall, Johan Barne, Daniel Björndal & Fredrik Aurell. Snygga kläder har de också :-)
With three wins in a row, Mattias Rahm won the third race in the Final against Australian Torvar Mirsky. He sailed fantastic during the last days and in the Final, the prestarts settled the win for the Swede.
Mattias Rahm started this flight perfectly and crossed the starting line with high speed and in just the right moment with Mirsky almost a boat length behind. During the first upwind leg, Mirsky showed great skill with his tacking but so did Rahm. Rahm chose a route further south than the Australian and that paid off when coming up to lay line to round the mark. At that time the distance down to Mirsky’s boat had increased to three boat lengths.
At the first downwind leg the Australian skipper managed to close up on Rahm but could not pass. Coming round the mark for the second upwind leg, Rahm sailed beautifully. He chose not to keep tight coverage on Mirsky. That risky move paid off and the lead was, once again, three boat lengths when rounding the upwind mark.
On the last downwind leg, Rahm sailed very confident and Mirsky had no way to get back in the game. After crossing the finish line the Swedish Crew sailed close to Marstrand’s southern shore to receive the acclaim and applause from the many spectators on the cliffs.
“We’ve sailed fantastic. This is so great. I don’t know what to say. I’ve dreamt about this for 15 years. I remember when I was here as a spectator. I can’t believe that even though we’re not ranked as high as some of the other crews we managed to beat them. We’ve been sailing so confident and our prestarts have been fantastic. Today we won all the prestarts against Mirsky with over one boat length”, the exceedingly happy skipper said.
Jul 7, 2008 @ 08:37
Imponerande segling! Grattis boys!!