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  1. Pär
    Jul 8, 2008 @ 07:03

    Lite svenskt blir det här med, Per Andersson, fd Quantums chefs designer, numera North, har designat seglena….bara sådär lite skönt fullständigt ovidkommande vetande ;-)


  2. Peter Gustafsson
    Jul 9, 2008 @ 14:03

    Bouwe Bekking, Equipo Telefónica:

    Both Telefonica boats had an easy first night out on their 2,000-mile qualifier, sailing in 7-14 knots of breeze. Most of the guys are wearing T-shirts as it is sticky warm.

    Telefonica Blue has been less than a week on the water, but I am very satisfied with the outcome and preparation which we have done. We kept the boat a bit longer in the yard to assure the boat was a close as ready a possible. We implemented straight away points which we learned from sailing the Telefonica Black.

    But even this last couple of days hasn’t been a holiday for the shore and sailing team. To get the boat prepared the shore team have been working around the clock, in full 24-hour shifts. We have got a great bunch of guys and they all are putting their hearts into both boats. The public can follow us the sailors, but they don’t realise that we sailors are very dependant on our guys and girls on the shore. A huge thanks on behalf of both sailing teams to you all.

    But as well, I like to thank all the wives and families of everyone involved. It hasn’t been easy for them. For example the sailors are leaving every morning 07.15 for their gym session and are never home before 21.00. Once home most of us crash on the couch, to tired to have a proper conversation.

    So here I am sitting again behind the computer. I have to admit that the compulsory white painting inside makes it way more comfortable than on the last generation boats. They were like black caves inside and you were in the need of torch nearly all the time, here I can actually see. The nav station itself is a glamour. Olectric, (who did the electronic installation) and Si-Fi (Simon Fisher), our navigator, have done a nice job with the layout. Right now I am enjoying sitting on the pride of our boat – one of our luxury F1 seats. One is in the nav station and the other one is in the media station.

    We are in full testing mode right now and the winches are spinning constantly. It is awesome to have these two boats and having the opportunity to test things out.

    Over and out for the time being. Going back on deck.


    Bouwe Bekking


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