Artemis Transat | mediasiffror
För er som går igång på de mediamässiga/ekonomiska effekterna av kappsegling, så har OC Events nu utvärderat Artemis Transat. Foto: Mark Lloyd.
Några siffror nedan. Hela rapporten finns här.
- Man genererade mediatäckning värd €10 miljoner
- Man hade 500 mediapersoner från 30 länder
- 100% av teamen säger att de vill återkomma
- 91% säger att websiten var bra eller mycket br
The first of two important studies looking back at the 13th edition of the famous single-handed transatlantic race, confirms expectations have been exceeded for The Artemis Transat 2008 as global media coverage reaches an estimated 10 million Euros in value, as Sports Marketing Surveys confirm a total of 6.5 million Euros media value in UK and France. OC Events, organisers of the race for the last two editions, commissioned the media evaluation services of leading independent evaluation agency, Sports Marketing Surveys, whose clients include the Volvo Ocean Race and America’s Cup syndicate BMW Oracle. This is the first time in the race’s history that an independent media survey has been undertaken: “This is a high-end professional sport and it’s important to be able to tell your sponsors and stakeholders what their return on investment actually is,” commented Mark Turner, CEO OC Group that includes OC Events. “This year we were set a very high media target by Artemis, title partner to the race for the first time, and a lot of hard work and some great stories from the race track saw OC Events exceed this target.” Results of an economic impact survey for Plymouth and the South West of England, hosts to the start of the race, will be published at the end of October.
The Artemis Transat started from Plymouth (UK) on 11th May, 2008 and 28 skippers set out to cross the North Atlantic alone, 2,800-miles to Boston (USA). OC Events appointed an experienced team to undertake the necessary media and communications activity to deliver an exceptional level of content. A skipper survey conducted at the end of the race confirmed that 100% of the teams were more than satisfied with the race and would participate in The Artemis Transat again. Against a scale of 1 to 5 (5 being excellent), team feedback rated the event at 4.5. And 100% of the skippers supported the positions ‘blackout’ – a 36-hour period without any positions or communications with the fleet which also saw a peak in web traffic as people flooded back to find out whether the skippers had made any tactical advantages or losses. The official race website, with just under half a million visits from 71 countries, was highly praised with a survey based on 1000+ recipients confirming that 91% thought the website ‘Good or Very Good’ and a further 75% of users also thought the ‘black-out’ was a good idea.Media coverage was mainly focussed in UK and France – the UK market of highest important to UK-based Artemis, and France for the number of leading teams from that country. Additional coverage was achieved in the US (race finish), Italy and Germany via the entries from those countries plus international coverage via feature TV coverage on Seamaster Sailing and Gillette World of Sport.
Over 500+ media from over 30 countries officially accredited including 100+ journalists on-site in the build-up to the start of the race.
Media Evaluation Figures
Total media value : £5,206,277 (^6,599,960) across UK and France including international TV distribution. Monitored media only includes TV, print and online not radio.
Total media value UK : £3,156, 822 (^4,004,744)
Total media value France : £1,981,596 (^2,513,853)
The highest value of coverage was achieved in the TV sector accounting for 57% of the value followed by print at 32% (UK market).
The largest volume of coverage was achieved online at 51%, followed by print at 23% and then TV at 17% (UK market).
Media Coverage Highlights
. BBC Breakfast 2-minute feature at start plus BBC Breakfast weather live from the race village
. BBC News Channel live coverage on start day in excess of 2+ hours
. Channel 4 30-minute documentary programme
. Gillette World of Sport 3 mins feature (world’s most-watched sports programme) plus 42 airlines
. Seamaster Sailing dedicated features pre-start, during and post-race
. Print coverage across UK broadsheets plus the New York Times and International Herald Tribune.
. Extensive regional coverage across Devon/Cornwall and other regions
. Extensive coverage in France surrounding Loick Peyron’s historic win – national terrestrial TV news, in headlines as first subject, including TF1, France 3, France 2, LCI, M6, Equipe TV, etc. Major headlines news for all French print media and national radio including France Info, RMC, Europe 1, etc.Official Race Website
“We’ve already sung the praises of The Artemis Transat website.what a great job they are doing. It’s hard to see what the magazine writers will even have to cover that isn’t already there.” Sailing Anarchy.
Key statistics and figures
. Main website just under half a million visits from 71 countries
. 1.6 million page views, average time on site nearly 5 minutes
. 100+ other websites using syndicated content
. Media server had 12,000 visits with 1000s of video/photos downloaded for media use.
. 2d viewer had 250,000 visits by 84,000 unique visitors
. Nearly 1 terabyte of video data downloaded with 1.5 million video players loads, 261,241 minutes of video downloaded in total
. Average page views 4
. 91% of viewers thought the site Good or Very Good
. 87% of users thought the content was Good or Very Good (52%)