Sunday Rule Quiz
UK-Halsey quiz #3: Four boats are sailing on a beat along a shoreline with an offshore breeze. In situation #1, both boats are approaching the shoreline on starboard tack. In situation #2, the boats are converging on opposite tacks with the port tack boat sailing close to and almost parallel to the shoreline.
Nov 30, 2008 @ 10:34
#1. ingen protest innvilgelse da rød båt gir grå plass til å slå for land
#2. gul båt skal ta straff da den bryter styrbord/babord situasjon, land er ingen obstruksjon, gul båt skal i dette tilfellet falle bak grønn.
Dec 1, 2008 @ 00:06
Japp så skulle jag också bedöma det!