America’s Cup 33 | Anarchy Challenge
Nu verkar det hända saker i America’s Cup? Dock lite osäkert exakt vad…
Saken är fortfarande i domstol (tills i februari nån gång) men man har i helgen fått fram ett nytt protokoll (här med kommentarer, frågan om det är så mycket bättre?). Sista januari skall det finnas regler på bordet för en “new, lighter and faster, monohull Class America boat. 19 team verkar ha anmält sig, osäkert på vilka premisser. Vi väntar också på vad BMW-Oracle säger om det nya protokollet.
Kanske någon från Victory vill kommentera?
- Alinghi, Société Nautique de Genève (SUI) – Defender
- Desafío Español, Club Náutico Español de Vela (ESP)
- Shosholoza, Royal Cape Yacht Club (RSA)
- TeamOrigin, Royal Thames Yacht Club (GBR)
- Team New Zealand, Royal New Zealand Yacht Squadron (NZL)
- DCYC, Deutscher Challenger Yacht Club (GER)
- Green Comm Challenge, Circolo di Vela Gargano (ITA)
- Ayre Challenge, Real Club Náutico de Dénia (ESP)
- Victory Challenge, Gamla Stans Yacht Sällskap (SWE)
- Argo Challenge, Club Nautico Gaeta (ITA)
- Mascalzone Latino, Reale Yacht Club Canottieri Savoia (ITA)
- Team French Spirit, Yacht Club de St Tropez (FRA)
- Luna Rossa, Yacht Club Punta Ala (ITA)
- Russia Team – Fiona, Yacht Club Seven Feet (RUS)
- Joe Fly, Società Canottieri Lecco (ITA)
- K-Challenge, Cercle de la Voile de Paris (FRA)
- Greek Challenge, N.O.K. Poseidon – Nautical Club of Kalamata (GRC)
- Dabliu Sail Project (ITA)
- China Team, Qingdao International Yacht Club (CHN)
Backat ur: Carbon Challenge
Avvaktar: GermanyOne, Marco Polo Challenge, Fuxia Challenge, Australia, Decision
En kul twist, är att Sailing Anarchy försökte anmäla ett team. Formellt sett uppfyller man alla krav, men (av någon anledning) så togs man inte på allvar och fick inte vara med. Nu är SA på krigsstigen, och tydligen så har man ganska bra uppbackning:
We have been offered the following pledges in support of anarchy challenge: 2 V5 boats, 4 IACC boats of earlier vintage, 3 V5 masts, 2 RIBs, 5 official photographers, 8 PR pros, 5 Naval architects, a ton of prepreg, a pile of dated composite materials, legal help from four states, accountants, sailors, sailmakers, sail coordinators, project managers, cash & more cash.
San Diego’s Sailing Anarchy Yacht Club Submits Challenge For 33rd America’s Cup
World’s first online community based effort lodges challenge for the America’s Cup. The Anarchy Challenge is the sole US entrant joining a field of 20 challengers for sport’s oldest trophy.
SAN DIEGO, CALIFORNIA (17 December 2008) – The Sailing Anarchy Yacht Club (SAYC) today confirmed its entry in the 33rd America’s Cup to be contested in the waters off Valencia, Spain in 2010 or 2011. Known as Anarchy Challenge, SAYC’s racing syndicate will draw upon the immense resources of the world’s most popular sailing website,, the brain child of San Diego-based sailor Scot Tempesta.Although international in flavor, Anarchy Challenge will compete under the Stars & Stripes, and will be the only US participant in a field of up to 21 challengers which also entered the event before the December 15th entry deadline. As of Wednesday afternoon, Tempesta said that SAYC was working to provide additional documentation verifying its qualifications as requested by representatives from Alinghi, the current America’s Cup Defender.
“We are proud to represent the United States and our loyal members in this iconic sporting contest,” said Mr. Tempesta, who is also the Commodore of SAYC. “Had our members not stepped up to the plate with their support and interest, it would have been the first time in the event’s 157-year history that there was no US participation in the America’s Cup. We could not stand by and let that happen.”
Under the stewardship of team CEO and SAYC Vice Commodore Alan Block, Anarchy Challenge has been working hard to assemble its media relations, campaign management, and sponsorship development team. “There is no doubt that this is the first America’s Cup Challenge to represent an on-line community, for we don’t just represent the SAYC members, but the 30,000 person-strong membership and the one million-plus monthly readers of the Sailing Anarchy site as well,” Block explained. “Our members are mobilizing for this exciting challenge, and we’re already starting to leverage this massively talented pool of engineers, designers, and sailors as we begin to assemble the administrative and competitive parts of our team.”
There is no clear consensus in the yachting community on whether the 33rd America’s Cup contemplated by the 21 challengers will actually happen, as the prestigious event remains embroiled in a bitter custody dispute in the New York courts between Swiss Biotech magnate Ernesto Bertarelli and Oracle founder Larry Ellison. Tempesta remains positive on the future of the event: “When these billionaires are done bickering, we’ll still be here, our members itching for some Cup racing” he said. “It’s not easy to field a team for the America’s Cup, but the Anarchists are nothing if not resourceful.”
The oldest trophy in sport, the America’s Cup has long been a challenge between rich industrialists, and has been filled with intrigue and conflict almost since its inception. Anarchy Challenge looks to broaden the appeal of the event in the United States, where interest in yacht racing remains nearly nonexistent despite many achievements by US sailors in the America’s Cup, the pinnacle of yachting competition. “For a century and a half, the Cup has been a shiny bauble to be battled over by the super wealthy – on the water, in the court, and in the press – yet no one in the general public pays any attention except in salty little enclaves like Newport and Annapolis” said Block. “We think it’s time the common man had access to the America’s Cup – and if there’s one thing that Sailing Anarchy represents, it’s the common man.”
The team will be funded through a combination of donations, private and commercial investment, with Anarchy Challenge bringing a huge advantage to potential sponsors of Cup teams – a fan base that includes the millions of current readers of Sailing Anarchy. Anarchy Challenge’s commercial team will commence discussions and negotiations with potential investors and sponsors during the coming months.
“The one thing we caution is not to dismiss us,” said Tempesta, when asked of the seriousness of Anarchy Challenge. “We may not be a well heeled yacht club, and we’re somewhat disorganized, but we’re a hell of a lot more likely to be on the starting line than some of the teams that have entered. And we’ll be here long after most of them are forgotten.”
Media inquiries should be directed to Anarchy Challenge CEO Alan Block . ‘SAYC’, ‘Sailing Anarchy’, ‘On-The-Water Anarchy’ and ‘Anarchy Challenge’ are trademarks belonging to Sailing Anarchy, Inc., a California corporation. ‘America’s Cup’, ‘Alinghi’ and all other trade and service marks belong to their respective rights holders.
About Sailing Anarchy
Sailing Anarchy was created in 2001 by former San Diego sail maker and radio personality Scot Tempesta as an informal forum for racing sailors, and since that time it has grown to become the world’s most viewed sailing website. The interactive site includes daily original content, wildly active forums, general sailing news, and innovative live racing coverage known as On-The-Water Anarchy. The Sailing Anarchy community includes more than 30,000 registered members, while the domain receives over one million unique views each month.About Sailing Anarchy Yacht Club
Established in 2007, SAYC is one of a small handful of yacht clubs born on the internet. Registered and sanctioned by US SAILING, the sport’s national governing body, SAYC has nearly a thousand members and is based in San Diego, California, the site of the last US Defense of the America’s Cup.Contact:
Alan Block, Team CEO, Anarchy Challenge
Anarchy Challenge
1482 Kinloch Lane, Mount Pleasant, SC 29464.
Dec 22, 2008 @ 12:29
Finns en lista att skriva på om SA protest mot hur ACM behandlar dom. Klart Alla blurläsare borde skriva på den
Dec 22, 2008 @ 13:58
Skall bli intressant att se hur de skall gallra ut en besättning. Det verkar inte finnas något problem att få folk som vill vara med i alla fall… :-)
Dec 23, 2008 @ 00:21
Dec 23, 2008 @ 14:36
Rodret på bilden. Är det felvänt eller bara en “designpryl”- Hela båten ser ju lite “bananaktig” ut i och för sig så man skall nog inte ta så mycket allvar på den. Stöder verkligen SA:s satsning annars!
Mvh. Andre´