Ska bli intressant och se hur lÀnge det dröjer innan man helt och hÄllet integrerar peket med skrovet. Fördelen kan vara ökad bÀrighet i förstÀven, lite mindre stÀnk samt att man har lÀttare att kliva iland vid kobbar och skÀr.
Ska masten stĂ„ i ruffluckan eller i dĂ€cksluckan? Eller kanske framför dĂ€cksluckan, men i sĂ„ fall – varför dĂ€ckslucka precis bakom mast? TrĂ„ngt med tanke pĂ„ kicken…
FrÀckt urtag i railen lÀngst akterut.
Det mĂ„ste ju vara sĂ„ att masten skall stĂ„ i “ruffluckan” och att den gĂ„r att fĂ€lla bakĂ„t i spĂ„ret nĂ€r man skall rigga av. Skulle kunna tĂ€nka mig att det finns ett lock som tĂ€cker spĂ„ret nĂ€r maasten Ă€r uppe. Och en GP 26 tror ja inte det Ă€r…dom mĂ„ste vĂ€l ha utskjutbart peke?
The X-Treme 25 is built in an Epoxy related product which is much stronger and stiffer then vinylester. The hull has 5 bulkheads closed from deck to hull with an opening to reduce weight and store sails. Hull and deck has a weight of just 300 kg with a total weight excluding sails of 850 kg. All in all a racer, built so strong and stiff for years and years intense sailing. Using only the best materials throughout the boat!
The keel is milled out of an aluminium T6 material in contradiction to the normal steel bar with epoxy filling. The keelfin has a weight of just 60 kg and is much stronger and stiffer then a steelbar with epoxy. The keel is retractable and is less vulnerable for damages when the keel is up during transport. The X-Treme 25 is the first 25 foot boat on the market with such a hi-tech quality keelfin. The bulb has a weight of 425 kg and the keel has a draft of 2 meters which gives the boat a huge ballast ratio and up righting moment. Now a Blog has started on Swedish website That the X-Treme 25âs keelfin is truly something special proves this Swedish Blog where visitors can guess what the picture of the milled aluminium T6 keelfin actually is. Responses are: The keelfin of an IMOCA 60 or Volvo 70. Another one guesses itâs the keelfin of Ericsson 3 competing in the Volvo Ocean Race. But it it the high-tech keelfin of the X-Treme 25âŠ
The X-Treme 25 is in looks a small Volvo 70. With chines in de hull, the boat looks like an Open 60 / Volvo 70. Due to the low total weight these shapes are giving the boat impressive performance due to the small âwet surfaceâ in tough winds reaching or upwind conditions. The rudder is a âstick throughâ rudder blade which is retractable as the keel. The angle of the rudder blade is a few degrees adjustable during sailing to install the right rudder pressure in different conditions (light airs, much wind, upwind or downwind). This rudder system gives a better waterflow under the boat and makes the boat perfectly balanced on the rudder.
The X-Treme 25 is widely considered as the fastest sportsboat on the market. Regattaâs held in Italy against the existing competitors has never been lost. Upwind the X-Treme 25 is performing 1 knot VMG faster then the strongest competition upwind in 6 knots of wind!
The X-Treme 25 has a mainsail, a 105% jib, a furling Code 0 and a symmetrical spinnaker on a fixed bowsprit. So optimal performance under all angles and circumstances. Basically the X-Treme 25 has a small Volvo 70 hull with an Americaâs Cup sailplan! The best of two worlds when it comes to match racing or round buoys fleet racing.
We do have a boat present for testsailing in Holland in March after the Amsterdam Boatshow (3rd â 8th of March). We are very willing to make an appointment with you to discuss the X-Treme 25 or our range in detail.
Feb 16, 2009 @ 11:24
Snygg, kanske italiensk?…lite ovanligt med fast peke pĂ„ en sĂ„ liten bĂ„t. Undrar vad som Ă€r tanken med det?
Feb 16, 2009 @ 11:32
Snyggt Peke….:-)
Feb 16, 2009 @ 12:42
Ser trÄngt ut i nedgÄngsluckan.
Feb 16, 2009 @ 13:02
Ska bli intressant och se hur lÀnge det dröjer innan man helt och hÄllet integrerar peket med skrovet. Fördelen kan vara ökad bÀrighet i förstÀven, lite mindre stÀnk samt att man har lÀttare att kliva iland vid kobbar och skÀr.
Eller Àr jag helt ute och syklar ;9)
Feb 16, 2009 @ 13:11
mattias allroth
Feb 16, 2009 @ 13:12
Kanske nya Kracer 40 ?
Eller ser den för liten ut för det ….hmm…..
Feb 16, 2009 @ 13:12
Ska masten stĂ„ i ruffluckan eller i dĂ€cksluckan? Eller kanske framför dĂ€cksluckan, men i sĂ„ fall – varför dĂ€ckslucka precis bakom mast? TrĂ„ngt med tanke pĂ„ kicken…
FrÀckt urtag i railen lÀngst akterut.
Feb 16, 2009 @ 13:27
Det mĂ„ste ju vara sĂ„ att masten skall stĂ„ i “ruffluckan” och att den gĂ„r att fĂ€lla bakĂ„t i spĂ„ret nĂ€r man skall rigga av. Skulle kunna tĂ€nka mig att det finns ett lock som tĂ€cker spĂ„ret nĂ€r maasten Ă€r uppe. Och en GP 26 tror ja inte det Ă€r…dom mĂ„ste vĂ€l ha utskjutbart peke?
Feb 16, 2009 @ 13:38
#4 …och sen drar man ut fören till pekets spets…. ;-)
Feb 16, 2009 @ 13:44
Jag tror (vet) att det Àr en g-force yachts X-treme 25
Feb 16, 2009 @ 13:58
KlipperstĂ€v Ă€r underskattat…….
Feb 16, 2009 @ 14:07
Intresserad av polardiagram och specifikationer?
eller kanske en titt i real life?
Feb 16, 2009 @ 14:17
X-treme 25 alltsĂ„….Sydafrikansk…sĂ„ fel man kan ha..=) men den ser fortfarande bra ut…=)
Melges 134
Feb 16, 2009 @ 14:17
E det inte en x-treme 25 som du visade i höstas
Feb 16, 2009 @ 15:25
Feb 16, 2009 @ 15:33
Hull deck: 300 kg
Keelfin: 60 kg (milled T6 aluminium
Bulb: 425 kg
draft: 2 meters
X-Treme 25 #1 is made in South Africa. Now all boats made in Holland. 1 a week and sold all over Europe, Middle East, Asia and Australia.
Richard D.
Feb 16, 2009 @ 20:17
“SkĂ„ran” Ă€r nog snarare för att kölen kommer upp dĂ€r nĂ€r den hissas eller..?
Feb 17, 2009 @ 11:58
The X-Treme 25 is built in an Epoxy related product which is much stronger and stiffer then vinylester. The hull has 5 bulkheads closed from deck to hull with an opening to reduce weight and store sails. Hull and deck has a weight of just 300 kg with a total weight excluding sails of 850 kg. All in all a racer, built so strong and stiff for years and years intense sailing. Using only the best materials throughout the boat!
The keel is milled out of an aluminium T6 material in contradiction to the normal steel bar with epoxy filling. The keelfin has a weight of just 60 kg and is much stronger and stiffer then a steelbar with epoxy. The keel is retractable and is less vulnerable for damages when the keel is up during transport. The X-Treme 25 is the first 25 foot boat on the market with such a hi-tech quality keelfin. The bulb has a weight of 425 kg and the keel has a draft of 2 meters which gives the boat a huge ballast ratio and up righting moment. Now a Blog has started on Swedish website That the X-Treme 25âs keelfin is truly something special proves this Swedish Blog where visitors can guess what the picture of the milled aluminium T6 keelfin actually is. Responses are: The keelfin of an IMOCA 60 or Volvo 70. Another one guesses itâs the keelfin of Ericsson 3 competing in the Volvo Ocean Race. But it it the high-tech keelfin of the X-Treme 25âŠ
Hereunder you find the link:
The X-Treme 25 is in looks a small Volvo 70. With chines in de hull, the boat looks like an Open 60 / Volvo 70. Due to the low total weight these shapes are giving the boat impressive performance due to the small âwet surfaceâ in tough winds reaching or upwind conditions. The rudder is a âstick throughâ rudder blade which is retractable as the keel. The angle of the rudder blade is a few degrees adjustable during sailing to install the right rudder pressure in different conditions (light airs, much wind, upwind or downwind). This rudder system gives a better waterflow under the boat and makes the boat perfectly balanced on the rudder.
The X-Treme 25 is widely considered as the fastest sportsboat on the market. Regattaâs held in Italy against the existing competitors has never been lost. Upwind the X-Treme 25 is performing 1 knot VMG faster then the strongest competition upwind in 6 knots of wind!
The X-Treme 25 has a mainsail, a 105% jib, a furling Code 0 and a symmetrical spinnaker on a fixed bowsprit. So optimal performance under all angles and circumstances. Basically the X-Treme 25 has a small Volvo 70 hull with an Americaâs Cup sailplan! The best of two worlds when it comes to match racing or round buoys fleet racing.
We do have a boat present for testsailing in Holland in March after the Amsterdam Boatshow (3rd â 8th of March). We are very willing to make an appointment with you to discuss the X-Treme 25 or our range in detail.