FoX 10.20
Några av er kanske minns Fox 9.50 som byggdes i Norrland och som sedan landade i Tyskland. Här har vi en stora syster mer inriktad på cruising men ändå med drag av shorthandedracer.
Hull Length: 10.20 m
Breadth: 3.60 m
Draft: 1.95 m (Quille Fixe)
Displacement: 4000 kg (Quille Fixe)
Mainsail: 37 m²
Genoa: 29 m²
Staysail: 17 m²
Spi max : 105 m²
Propulsion: 20cv Diesel
Fuel capacity: 60 L.
Fresh Water: 2x 100 L
Category: A
Result of the collaboration between the design office FoX Tech and the yard RLM Composite, the FoX 10.20 is an exciting new cruiser, developed to better fulfil the expectations of today’s sailors and navigators. Benefiting from a sharp but elegant look, this yacht combines a thoroughly modern design, with a tested, authentic and economical build process: plywood-epoxy.
Besides enhancing the lifetime and the stiffness of the structure, this building the boats out of plywood/epoxy enables to customise them but above all to deliver them at several stages of the construction with a supervision of the yard. The boats will indeed be available either completely finished, ready to sail, or hull, deck and structure assembled, with exterior finish, appendages and engine fixed. The idea is hence to let those keen owners get themselves involved into the finishing touches of their « new baby » by bringing their own ideas and experience, as well as to save some long labour hours on the yard’s bill.
Furthermore, the yard will offer three appendage layouts including: twin keels (which lets your boat dry up upright), lifting keel and fixed keel.
We have therefore designed a powerful hull shape, using the pronounced chine at its best effect, while keeping everything as versatile as possible by moderating the overall beam and through a subtle volume distribution. One can indeed feel the inspiration from the latest developments in ocean racing, as for the sail plan which is generous without being overpowered. The deck plan was developed around a simplified but efficient hardware package and offers a safe and well protected cockpit. More generally, a lot of attention was drawn into creating a yacht that is fast and fun to sail, without altering the crew’s safety and peace of mind.
The interior is functional and can be articulated in two different ways. Both layouts make the most of the generous internal volume, created by the coachroof and its large coamings, as well as by the vertical topsides of the hull.
The first layout is more classic with a V berth in the bow while a double cabin and a large head including a technical area can be found at the back. The other option sees the head moved into the bow, while the two double cabins are located at the back, closer the pitch and roll centre of the yacht.
In the central area, one will find a large L shaped kitchen, with a good size chart table opposite. The saloon is located ahead of the mast, can accommodate up to 7 guests for dinner and benefits and exceptional lighting thanks to the large portlight inserted into the top of the coachroof. Both layouts offer plenty of storage and some large technical area, for blue water cruising, including a large storage space at the back, accessible from the cockpit.
A more complete range of boats is in the pipeline, while the build of the first 10.20 will begin in autumn 2009.
FoX Tech: Created in 2006 and established both in teh UK and France, FoX Tech is a young and dynamic design office, run by Charles Bertrand, naval architect, and Bernard Mallaret, professional racer and sail maker. Their ambition is to use their complementary skills, mixing technology and experience to design racing and cruising boats using innovative concepts, while relying on solutions tested by true seamanship. For more info, please visit:
RLM Composites: Pioneers into the construction of offshore racing and cruising yachts (including some class 40s and the original prototype of the famous Pogo 6.50), Yves Le Masson and Ewan Riou have decided to set up a new structure, dedicated to composite construction. The team is highly skilled, benefits from years of experience in boat building and uses the latest techniques such as Infusion, Sandwich vacuum construction, carbon, epoxy, vinylester, wood… For more info, please visit:
Jul 18, 2009 @ 21:05
Är den inte lite lik HP1030 ?
// F
Jul 18, 2009 @ 21:30
Trevligt jobb att sitta och rita båt på båt vid 24 års ålder.. Dessvärre gillar han till skillnad från mig dubbla rorkultar. Dubbla roder däremot är ju nice på undanvinden.
Jul 19, 2009 @ 14:21
60 liters soppa tank!? Skrovet tycker jag påminner om nya First 45, eller?
Jul 19, 2009 @ 14:59
Jag skulle vilja påstå att han näst intill kopierat Marc Lombards RM och Randonneur och då i synnerhet Randonneur 980.
RM 1050 har en annan överbyggnad men skrovet är i princip detsamma.
Materialval, layout och dubbelköl är detsamma, liksom den ena inredningslösningen med toalett och stuv/teknikutrymme kombinerat. Det som är nytt är väl möjligheten till “lifting keel”.
RM båtarna är mycket speciella och detta är för likt för att vara en slump.,home,1
Jul 22, 2009 @ 11:13
jag får definitivt flaschbacks från plywood hemma byggen med dåtidens IOR som stora skillnaden…
Men kul att unga vill designa…men lite krav vill jag ha…
/ A med snart 1 vecka kvar till hermanö runt
Jul 22, 2009 @ 11:46
Det är inget fel på Charles förmåga att rita sweeta båtar:
Men den här gången så såg väl design-briefen annorlunda ut. Smaken (och användningen) ser ju annorlunda ut…
Jul 22, 2009 @ 12:22
Det går inte att jämföra de gamla plyfalådorna med dessa nya båtar. Jag kollade in RM 1200 riktigt ingående och gick från skeptisk till entusiastisk.
Seilas m.fl. båttidningar testade 10 st 40 fotare i Oslofjorden för två år sedan och RM 1200 klarade sig bättre än de flesta förväntat sig, om jag minns rätt så seglade de ifrån alla cruisers och någon av de mer utpräglade snabbseglarna.
Ett annat reportage: