IMOCA 60 för familjen | Ourson Rapide
Ibland tittar man på en racebåt och funderar på hur den skulle vara med inredning.
Och går man igång på IMOCA-60 så är det väl bara att ringa Jean Marie Finot på Finot-Conq och be att få en familjevariant. Och så har ju Multiplast bra koll på stora båtar i kol.
Vad sägs om Ourson Rapide? Sänkköl i stället för svänggköl och en inredning för större middagar.
18.28 x 5.40m x 4.00/2.40
m | 15,3 ton
P: 22290, E: 8500, I: 19470, J: 7 990, LP: 8790
Stor 145 m², genua 91 m², code0 152 m², spin 320 m²
Architect, Jean-Marie FINOT, explains the general philosophy behind the boat: « …The idea behind “OURSON RAPIDE” was to produce a family cruising yacht which could be sailed short-handed and which made use of tried and tested modern techniques to make sailing easier. This is why she has been made of prepreg carbon. She has ballasts, a deep keel, a carbon mast and renewable energy sources. All of these choices have contributed to enhancing her potential for speed as and when needed. I wanted to design a fluid boat from an esthetic point of view, a boat which resembled a bird. »
Owner, Paolo ROASENDA, explains the reasons for his choice : « … After having consulted a number of architects, I turned to Jean-Marie FINOT and Pascal CONQ. As for MULTIPLAST, several factors came into play : firstly, their extensive experience in composite construction, then the proximity with the architects and lastly, her resale value due to the quality of construction by one of the best shipyards in the field. I am very pleased with her. She is exactly what I wanted. »After the launch, sea trials will continue through to the end of the month of July during which time she will be based in La Trinité/Mer. MULTIPLAST makes a point of honour in delivering reliable boats which have as few defects as possible. It is rare to find shipyards which carry out such lengthy sea trials to make sure that everything is working perfectly before final delivery.
This monohull will be associated with an intense sailing programme several years long with a participation in the “ARC ATLANTIQUE”, with 215 boats already entered to take part.
Jul 25, 2009 @ 22:52
Helt rätt, punkt.
Jul 26, 2009 @ 08:47
(Kan man få en i lite mindre storlek, som passar de svenska natuthamnarna och min plånbok bättre?)
Erik Barkefors
Jul 26, 2009 @ 09:09
Finot/Conq har också ritat ADP52 som i princip är samma lösning fast en kabin kortare.
Löa: 15,70 m
Bredd: 4,72 m
Djup: 1,70 – 3,20 m (är väl OK även i skärgårdshamnarna…)
Vikt: 8 ton
Stor: 115 m2
Genua: 52 m2
Assy: 170 m2
Sam V
Jul 27, 2009 @ 16:06
En dröm. Fråga: riggen är utan spridare, är den roterande? Tillkommer backstag eller räcker de vant som syns?