Artemis i topp
Torbjörn Törnqvist & Dean Barker vann RC44 Portoroz Cup 2009.
Torbjorn Tornqvist, owner and helmsman, Artemis: “This morning we decided to do our own race without looking too much at the ranking and the other boats. We had a very good first race and were a little bit lucky in the second; that was it! The spirit onboard is excellent; there is never a harsh word even when things are not going the way we want. It is very important for me. Obviously, we want to win but the goal is also to have fun. The two go together.”
Oct 5, 2009 @ 09:12
Kul att se att det finns andra som seglar med pistolhakar nuförtiden ;-)
Oct 7, 2009 @ 12:48
Det var vel ikke Artemis som vant Portoroz cup. Var det vel? Hvis man hadde gjort litt grundigere undersoekelser saa hadde man sett hvem som vant overall.
Nov 28, 2009 @ 00:16
Fortfarande i topp (fleetracing)
Nov 29, 2009 @ 18:31
Hela regattan vanns där nere nu av
Nov 29, 2009 @ 18:31
Fredrik Aurell ombord så stort grattis till han och gänget ombord !