Rolex Middle Sea Race 2009 | starten
Klockan två gick starten i Middle Sea Race. Många heta båtar, och tufft väder på gång… Sjysst tracker. Foto: Rolex / Kurt Arrigo.
Förutom en salig blandning av Class 40, J/109, X-41, First 40.7 så finns det så klart ett antal heta minimaxis och VO70:
- ICAP LEOPARD Farr 100 1.881
- ERICSSON VO70 Farr VO70 1.698
- INTERMATICA Farr VO70 1.667
- BEAU GESTE Farr 80 1.625
- RAN Judel/Vrolijk 72 1.562
- BELLA MENTE Reichel/Pugh 69 1.542
- ALEGRE Mills 68 1.527
- LUNA ROSSA Judel/Vrolijk STP65 1.525
Fast reaching conditions expected
17 October 2009 14.00hrsThe picturesque Grand Harbour was the setting for the start of the Rolex Middle Sea Race at 1100 this morning. The start saw light and variable winds in the confines of the harbour but that was forecast to change with some high winds and spectacular sailing forecast for the 30th edition of the race.
Mike Broughton, navigator on Swan 82, Nikata is taking part in his fifth Rolex Middle Sea Race and he is predicting a fast ride for the early part of the race;
“This is probably the most interesting race for many years, especially from a weather perspective. The wind will be quite shifty in the confines of the harbour but once out into the open sea, we should be seeing a north westerly breeze giving fast reaching conditions to Capopassero, we could see 35 knots which will make for some high octane reaching, especially for the lighter displacement boats.
Getting through the Messina Strait has always been an important point in this race. The wind shadow from the 3000 metre peak of Mount Etna will be an important factor but this may be negated by the wind veering to the south west, due to a low pressure system arriving over southern Italy.”
At 1400 local time, there was no surprise to see ICAP Leopard leading the fleet bound for Capopassero on the southeastern tip of Sicily, they could well break the record set by Rambler in 2007 of 47 hours 55 mins 3 secs.
Oct 17, 2009 @ 18:10
Kompenserar trackern för handicap?
Oct 17, 2009 @ 18:14
Tyvärr inte, men man har justerade rapporter från rundningarna. Verkar vara nära “live”:
Oct 17, 2009 @ 18:16
Ok, synd. Kanske utvecklar de den för det är ju en bra teknisk grund med Iridiumtracking, då kan man ju t.o.m gå ut på havet en bit från Gotland utan att tappa kontakten med trackern :-)
Oct 18, 2009 @ 10:41
Lite info Svenska deltagare på E1 Thomas Blixt KSSS Sunkan Sundkvist KSS
Oct 18, 2009 @ 16:56
Jocke Persson (Västeråsseglare) seglar ombord på Ericsson oxå!
Oct 18, 2009 @ 11:49
Decent crewlist på Luna Rossa med bl.a. Torben Grael, Mendelblatt Mark, Postigo Nacho, Scheidt Robert. Ser ut att ligga ok till också…