Annual Wake & Reunion of The Bastards
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Notice of Event and Carryings On for the Inaugural Ian Perc Perdriau Annual Wake & Reunion of The Bastards Sportsmans’ Challenge & Piss Up
17th September 2011
SFS Boatshed 76 McDougal St Milsons Point – 1145hrs.
1. Reason for the Event
With the recent extremely sad passing on of one of our best, Perc Perdriau, it was deemed important to strike a date at the SFS (House of Schooners) for all Bastards of sailing to regroup, drink beer, and tell as many lies as possible about Perc. It was also deemed important from this day forward, for all the remaining alive Bastards to regroup at the SFS annually in September to catch up, and have a good laugh at the good times we shared together racing skiffs AND not wait until another Bastard drops off to catch up with each other……Perc has given us the opportunity and Perc will have the naming rights in perpetuity for what will be an annual wake and reunion of the Bastards Sportsmans’ Challenge and piss up
2. Rules
Normal rules of drinking beer apply and keep the swearing down please3. Perpetual Trophy
A splendid trophy will be presented to the winning team of Bastards for engraving and the winning Bastards (the ones still alive) will present the Perc Perdriau Trophy to the following years victorious Bastards….. like the Green Jacket protocol at the Augusta US Masters.4. Events to be contested
To be advised on the day so no one can practice beforehand5. Pre Start and Schedule on the day
All Bastards entered for this Team event need to muster in the rigging park at 11.45am next to the club. At exactly 12 noon all Bastards will have purchased a beer and toast probably the greatest Bastard of all “Perc” Beer drinking begins and the Teams of Bastards will be given the Event Instructions and prepare their minds for the competition. All events will carry points and be tallied to decide the winning Team of Bastards.6. Dick Head Port Awards
Traditionally awarded by the Commodore of the SFS – Perc won many DHs7. Teams
Teams will be made up / formed to represent a club or skiff for the Sportsmans’ Challenge. Each Team will have a Skipper and be responsible for his team mates attitude and the excellence of his / her skills throughout the event especially graciousness to other competitors if they have been walloped.
8. Event Budget supplied by Wayne Swannn (genius)
Can of beautifully chilled beer $3.00
Cup of Chateau Cardboard vino $4.00
Can of Soft Drink $3.00
Water is free serve yourself
Sanga sandwiches $4.00
Bulls Arse steak sandwiches $6.00
Any profit accruing from the F&B will be in favour of the AOST for boat maintenance and Dick Notley’s next hip job.
Col Bailey > 0413 815 111 email :