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  1. David Selvert
    Oct 7, 2011 @ 10:12

    Tack för en bra sida som ger bra uppdatering, allmÀn info och nöje.


    • Peter Gustafsson
      Oct 7, 2011 @ 10:23

      Tack David!

      Och grattis till era prestationer i sommar. Imponerande att segla en Maxi Racer sÄ fort pÄ tvÄ man. Borde inte gÄ :-)

      Kul att du drar förbundet. Hojta till om jag skall pusha nÄgot inför 2012?


  2. Peter Gustafsson
    Oct 13, 2011 @ 20:44

    Join us now for the Open Beta of the Volvo Ocean Race Game!
    Hi there Armchair Sailor!

    It’s almost time for the Volvo Ocean Race 2011-2012 and with it the highly anticipated Volvo Ocean Race Game! In order to prepare for the harsh conditions during the race, we’ll be starting an Open Beta test-race in October.

    14-19 October 2011
    Open Beta Volvo Ocean Race Game, Auckland (New Zealand) to Musket Cove (Fiji)
    Click here to join this race

    We would like you to join us in this test race and get a taste of the real deal. We’ve updated the game tremendously since the last outing back in 2009 and we need you to help us dot the i’s and cross the t’s.

    So join us in this race from Auckland to Musket Cove! You’ll get a chance to emulate a VO70 in this homage to the race between Camper and the Vodafone catamaran last spring, which Camper almost won! How fast can you clear this route?

    The game opens up for season 2011-2012 registration this Thursday at 17.00 (CET) and the open beta race will start Friday, October 14th at 15:00 (CET).

    Best regards,
    Volvo Ocean Race Game team


  3. Nobbe
    Oct 21, 2011 @ 15:30

    Bara en vecka kvar lite drygt nu till starten. Jag har lite dÄlig koll, men hur ser det ut med svenskt deltagande? Nilsson/Olsson generationen lÀr vÀl inte göra nÄgra mer VOR. Hur gÄr snacket i övrigt?


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