Abu Dhabi mastade av
Abu Dhabi Ocean Racings båt Azzam, på väg tillbaka mot Alicante. Masten bröts på tre ställen men man verkar ok i övrigt. Skall vi gissa att telefonerna på Future Fibres (som byggde mast/rigg) går varma? Foto: Paul Todd/Volvo Ocean Race)
The rigging on the boat is also a true reflection of Future Fibres´ latest technology and our mantra for providing the right fibre for the right application. The lateral rigging and bobstay are made from TSC solid carbon rod which has proved to be the smallest diameter and lowest windage in the fleet. The aft rigging and fixed forestay are made from the innovative, flexible carbon product “FlexC™”, which combines all the benefits of carbon fibre (stiffness, strength and excellent fatigue resistance) with the flexibility, impact resistance and general handling benefits of a dry fibre cable. Finally, all of the high performance torsional cables and other strops and in-mast deflectors are PBO for their light weight and stiffness.
Alicante, Spain – Abu Dhabi Ocean Racing are putting a major repair operation into effect after their racing yacht Azzam suffered a broken mast in rough weather, forcing her to suspend racing just over six hours into Leg 1 of the Volvo Ocean Race 2011-12.
A spare mast is being rushed to the Spanish port of Alicante where Azzam and the rest of the six-strong fleet had begun the first offshore leg of the 39,000-nautical mile race in front of cheering crowds of 60,000.
British skipper Ian Walker said the crew was unhurt and the team were now motoring back to Alicante. The boat remains in the race, the toughest offshore event in sailing which will not finish until July 2012 in Galway, Ireland. Azzam won the first in-port race of the event in Alicante last Saturday and leads the standings with six points. The winner of the first leg will reap 30 points.
At 1915 UTC/GMT, Abu Dhabi told race management Azzam had suspended racing after the mast was broken. The boat was 30 nautical miles south of Cartagena on the Spanish coast.
Walker later reported at 2053 UTC/GMT: “Our situation is now stable. We are motoring towards flatter water at Cabo de Palos where we hope to lift the top section of the mast aboard.
“We have no injuries and have retrieved or secured all equipment. Our mast broke into three pieces when landing off a big wave in 30+ knots of wind. We were sailing under a J4 and two reefs. We do not as yet know the cause.
“Our intention is to return to Alicante under motor to repair any damage and step our spare mast.”
Volvo Ocean Race CEO Knut Frostad said he felt “desperately sorry” for twice-Olympic silver medallist Walker and his team.
“The team are extremely professional and I know they will do all they can to get Azzam back in the race as quickly and safely as possible,” he said.
Team media crew member Nick Dana told how crew member Wade Morgan had made a courageous attempt in waves of up to 3.5 metres to rescue the rig.
“The boat’s mainsail and J4 were retrieved successfully along with various other parts that we will hope to re-use.
“We put a man in the water (Morgan) to cut away the top of the mainsail at the headboard car. Wade was able to make several attempts at cutting. However, a very violent sea state made it extremely dangerous for him to remain in the water.
“The crew retrieved him promptly and were able to get the mainsail off the lock – allowing it to slide down the rig and be pulled from the water.
“The mast from the first spreader up is now secured to the port side of the boat. About three or four metres protrude from behind the boat. A spider web of lines is keeping the operation intact. The crew are deeply disappointed.”
Cartagena search and rescue organisation have been informed and are on standby to assist if necessary.
Volvo Ocean Race control is in constant contact with the team while establishing the full extent of the damage so that the crew are given full support to enable them to deal with the situation.
Peter Gustafsson
Nov 6, 2011 @ 12:31
Nästa smäll:
Linus S
Nov 6, 2011 @ 12:34
““We have no injuries and have retrieved or secured all equipment. Our mast broke into three pieces when landing off a big wave in 30+ knots of wind. We were sailing under a J4 and two reefs. We do not as yet know the cause.””
Det låter inte som så extremt väder i sammanhanget. Förtroendeingivande…
Och skrytet överst om minsta diametern i flottan känns lite fel nu ;-)
Nov 6, 2011 @ 12:48
Nej… 2 båtar bårta på 1 dyng..
Men men hoppas det inte blir solo race till slut
Hoppas det finns en mast att hänga på..
Peter Gustafsson
Nov 6, 2011 @ 13:03
Video från presskonferens med Ian Walker ovan.
Team Styrbord
Nov 6, 2011 @ 13:42
Man hade ju hoppats på att det fanns blider eller ljud från själva avmastningen som hade gått att spela upp…
Linus S
Nov 6, 2011 @ 16:15
Här finns lite film från mastbrottet.
Ulf Brändström
Nov 6, 2011 @ 17:31
Ett sådant otroligt år 2011.
Transat 6,50. 17 båtar av 80 skadade (ej möjligt att repa till havs)
TJV 9 båtar av 23 än så länge
VO 70 2 av 6 än så länge
Det ostadiga vädret och den jobbiga o konstiga sjön vi upplevde verkar hålla i sig….
Nov 6, 2011 @ 17:52
Hoppas inget mer händer. Hur blir det om ingen tar sig till mål??
Vinner den som kommit längst? Med så få båtar, på en så lång och hård seglats. Så måste risken vara stor. Med tanke på hur långt man kommit..
Betänk vilka kostnader man tagit för att spara några kilo i masten. Vad kostar en avmastning i resultatlistan?
Det är iof priset man får betala för att ligga i framkant på utvecklingen. Men, man måste i vilket fall ta sig i mål.
Ulf Brändström
Nov 6, 2011 @ 18:17
Masten var nog stark nog. låter som att det var lashingens fel när man lyssnar på vad Ian Walker säger. Mer intressant kan det nog vara med den andra båten som tydligen fick skrovskador?. Vo70 regeln verkar vara mycket exakt när det gäller dimensionering.
Anders B
Nov 6, 2011 @ 19:12
översätt gärna “lashing”, hittar både betydelsen “piska” och “surrning”.
Erik Barkefors
Nov 6, 2011 @ 20:35
Lashing är att ersätta t ex en shackel med en surrning av snöre/tågvirke.
Erik J
Nov 6, 2011 @ 18:38
Norske Dagbladet skriver bl.a.:
” I 10,5 meter høye bølger og 43 knops vind hadde ikke skipper Mike Sanderson annet valg enn å bryte regattaen da de oppdaget skrogskadene ved åttetiden i morges.”
Er det noen som blander meter og fot her tro……
Nov 6, 2011 @ 21:17
Bilder på Sanya’s skada: http://www.sailinganarchy.com/index_page1.php
Ulf Brändström
Nov 6, 2011 @ 21:30
Lashning är hur stag (PBO)o övrigt är fast satt
till själva riggen. ( typ inga “vantskruvar” ).