Bahamas Family Island Regatta
Onne van der Wal, som länge varit Seglingsfotografen med stort S i Newport, har börjat få fason på sina videos. Fast det känns enklare med de här motiven än gråmulna helgseglingar i ett 10-gradigt Sverige?
This is a short trailer to give you a feel of what the event in George Town, Exuma was all about (Truly amazing!). My work of this event in the Bahamas and the Grenada Sailing festival will be used in a full length documentary produced and directed by Alexis Andrews called “Vanishing Sail”. This film will be about the last of the working sailboats and true local sailors that sailed them in the Caribbean and Bahamas. Follow the link here to read and see more about the documentary and get involved!
May 16, 2012 @ 07:50
Byt ner er till heta J-14 Jullar, minst 7 pers ombord, obegränsad segelyta och ut på marstrandsfjorden.
Pelle P
May 16, 2012 @ 12:54
Undrar hur dom hade reagerat på flytväst-tvång!!??
May 16, 2012 @ 23:18
nu håller jag med om att J/70:s bom ser kort ut…
Kul verkade dom ha i alla fall!