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  1. Peter Gustafsson
    Jan 5, 2013 @ 20:54

    After receiving the written testimony of Professor Marine Khoromov, the jury decided to reopen the investigation of Case No. 4 under the sailing rule 66. This sets out that the Board may reopen a hearing when there has been a significant error, or when a new significant fact becomes available. The jury do not consider they made a mistake, but believe that this testimony offers a significant new fact.

    Det verkar inte vara helt kört för Stamm. Nedan det brev som ett antal skippers ställde sig bakom i veckan. Klurigt case.

    Mr. Bernard Bonneau, Chairman of the Jury
    Mr. Christophe Gaumont, Chairman of the Race Committee
    Mr. Bruno Retailleau, Chairman of the SAEM Vendée

    Subject: Protest Race Committee against Cheminées Poujoulat


    We, skippers of the 2012-2013 Vendée Globe, ask that the judgment against Bernard Stamm is revised. We believe that his disqualification is unfair and that he deserves the right to finish the race and to be ranked.

    We ask for this revision on the basis of the following facts:

    Bernard moored his boat on his own;
    The Russian ship moored after Bernard did;
    This became a danger which did not exist when Bernard originally moored his boat;
    The series of facts that followed are consequences of this danger and they could not be foreseen;
    The conduct of the Russian crew was in conformity with Article 7.5 of the Notice of Race on rescue and assistance at sea;
    The conduct of the sailors, on both sides, was exemplary and it deserves to be appreciated not punished;
    Should Bernard have broken the rule, it would have been unwittingly, and we strongly believe that Bernard strictly conformed to the spirit of the rule;
    We consider that the situation Bernard has faced is a force majeure event.

    We thank you for taking our views into account in your final decision.


    Alex Thomson
    Armel Le Cléac’h
    Arnaud Boissières
    Alessandro di Benedetto
    Dominique Wavre
    Javier Sanso
    Jean le Cam
    Jean-Pierre Dick
    Kito de Pavant
    Louis Burton
    Marc Guillemot
    Mike Golding
    Samantha Davies
    Tanguy De Lamotte


    • Kåre
      Jan 6, 2013 @ 00:14

      Man får hoppas att juryn tar sitt förnuft till fånga och låter Bernard fortsätta.


      • Raketen
        Jan 6, 2013 @ 00:29



  2. Stefan A
    Jan 6, 2013 @ 10:30

    Verkar vara ett skönt gäng Vendee-globarna.


  3. Sam V
    Jan 6, 2013 @ 13:30

    Nya problem. I väntan på domen har han krockat med något och blivit av med sin sista generator. Black mode.


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