Ant Steward | Around the world alone
Ant Steward circumnavigated the world on a rather small open boat called “Zulu Dawn” but named “NCS Challenger” for the voyage.
He had nowhere to build his boat and talked a friend into letting him do it inside his apartment. Getting it into and out of the apartment must have been an interesting exercise. Resin smells and woodwork noises in the early hours eventually led to an enforced removal to Royal Cape Yacht Club, where she spent the last couple of months before launching.
He left Cape Town amid warm farewells from hundreds of people. Many expected to never see him again and talked of his foolishness. He said that if we thought that he was mad we should get to know his mother, then we would know where he got it from. He had decided that he was sane and the rest of us were crazy for staying behind. It would have been a crowded boat if we had not.
Nov 7, 2013 @ 15:06
Är den ORC mätt?
Nov 7, 2013 @ 19:05
Grejen är väl just.att komma i hamn efter fullbordat varv och bränna bengaler med en vacker kvinna som slingrar sig runt halsen. Och jag som trodde Vendee Globe hade introducerat den traditionen (videon är från 1993).
Nov 7, 2013 @ 20:27
Det är fascinerande vad en del är kapabla till. En annan mindre lyckosam solotur på ett grymt hav var denna kajaktur som var snubblande nära att lyckas: