Royal Ocean Cup till Köpenhamn 2014
Nytt försök med Royal Ocean Cup. Jag tror både platsen och tide är bättre än att köra på Bornholm i september som man hade planerat i år. Jag tror också dset är bra att man tar bart X-35 som entypsbåt, inte för att det är något fel på båttypen utan olika länder/regioner har olika förutsättningar. Ju friare båtval – ju fler kan vara med.
Nu ligger ju också ORCi-VM i Kiel i början av augusti, så det borde kunna vara en bra kombo för båtar från Finland, Stockholm eller Baltikum.
Preliminärt ligger M32 Cup i Köpenhamn samma datum, 27-30 augusti, så det skulle ju kunna bli en sjuhelsickes seglarfest.
Nation Team Racing in the Baltic.
Royal Ocean Cup will take place in
Tuborg Harbor, Copenhagen August 2014.September 2013 and Nexoe Harbor, on the Danish Island of Bornholm, was set to be the backdrop for the first Royal Ocean Cup, a race between national teams based on the ORCi handicap. In July, the Royal Danish Yacht Club decided to postpone the race until 2014.
The dates, the location, and a revised Notice of Race, have now been decided. The Royal Ocean Cup 2014 will take place from August 27th to August 30th and sailed on the waters out from Tuborg Harbor, a short distance to the north of the city of Copenhagen, Denmark – a harbor that will most likely host the 2016 ORCi Worlds.
The review into the decision to postpone the event from 2013 to 2014 concluded that the limited team numbers were the result of (a) the location and ease of access, (b) it was a little too late in the season and (c) that having a One-Design boat on the each team made participation difficult. Additionally, the guidelines for selection of the teams were too strict.
All these factors have now been taken very much into consideration and a considerably amended Notice of Race has been released on recently.
Teams will be divided into two groups – one representing national teams and one representing teams that are formed by boats from different countries. Each team will consist of one boat Class 1 (<590 sec/mi GPH), one boat Class 2 boat (575,0 to 609,0 sec/mi GPH) and one boat Class 3 (600 to 699,9 sec/mi GPH).
The races will be a combination of windward-leeward races and an offshore race.
The winner of the Royal Ocean Cup will be the national team with the lowest combined score. The mixed national teams will race for the “Copenhagen Trophy”
It is still the vision of Royal Danish Yacht Club to create an event that will – like Admirals Cup in the old days – take place every second year from the same location.
And in 2016 the idea is to combine the Royal Ocean Cup with the World Championships – with the Royal Ocean Cup taking place immediately after the World Championships as 2016 will mark the 150 years anniversary of the Royal Danish Yacht Club.
Notice of Race and preliminary team entry form are posted on
Questions can be mailed to or mobile phone call to Lars Ive +45 40137007
Dec 5, 2013 @ 11:47
Det här tror jag blir ett kanonevent. Bättre tidpunkt och en huvudstad – det borde dra många båtar från de Nordiska länderna, Baltstaterna och Tyskland – kör hårt!