Laserstafett utan vind – nytt seglingsformat?
I Norge kan man tydligen segla förutan vind. Kul jippo, men skall man “revitalisera” seglingen så skall det nog innehålla lite segling? Jag har svårt att tro att duktiga seglare vill tävla i det här formatet annat än som PR-stunt… Men jag har haft fel förut.
Kanske skall man samma sätt som i skidskytte kombinera segling & skytte. Eller tornersegling där två lag seglar mot varandra med lansar (eller spinnakerbommar). Sisten kvar i båten vinner.
A relay in the Laser class with two teams and four members on each team, two girls and two boys, was successfully organized during Oslo Boat Show 25th April. The idea was to introduce a challenging new format easily accessible to the public, in an arena only 30 meters wide and 150 meters long, with emphasis on the sailors physics and technics.
The result was spectacular: the regatta was extremely close fought between eight of the best Laser sailors in the country, among them, two ISAF
junior World champions Tiril Bue and Line Flem Høst. For the sailors it was a very fair and physically demanding exercise, and for the audience
it was easy to understand what was going on, the fights were intense and dramatic with boats capsizing twice despite the near zero wind conditions. Unlimited body movements and touching of marks was allowed. The sailors loved it and the president of the Norwegian Sailing Federation, Tor Moinichen exclaimed after the race, – This could be a way to go.Is this what sailing needs in order to get revitalized and to seek new audiences?
The same way cross country ski sprint, parallel slalom and ski cross has revitalized and revolutionized skiing, sailing needs to seek new ways, not to replace traditional sailing, but to add passion and excitement to the sport.
Stop compromising traditional sailing by pulling the course too close to the shore where the conditions never can be fair. Instead design a new disiplin, far from traditional sailing, but were elements such as maneuverability, technique and stamina are favored. No wind required. Can be sailed in indoor swimming pools.
Try it!
Mikkel Thommessen
May 2, 2014 @ 07:39
Tufft case för SRS kommitén, hur ska de ta ställning till detta? … :)
Pelle Lindell
May 2, 2014 @ 08:45
Entyp :-D
Peter Gustafsson
May 2, 2014 @ 09:00
Pelle, det måste ju ändå vara ett bra betyg för SRS-kommittén när man är de som förväntas ta ställning till alla former av segling :-)