Nytt 2015… J/112E
Under nästa år kommer en J/112E som är en cruisingvariant inspirerad av J/111. 20% tyngre, lite bredare och med en större interiör så får man en båt som borde kunna tilltala de som vill cruisa lite mer. Man gjorde ju en “facelift” på J/122 med samma stil på interiören och tydligen har den sålt bra i Europa.
The J/112E is the newest addition to J/Boats’ “E” Series of versatile performance sailing yachts. The “E” is for elegance and evolution in performance cruising design. Why settle for anything less than sailing where and when you want to in comfort, style and speed?
Dual Purpose
36 feet is a magic size in the J/Boats line-up. With a spacious two-cabin accommodation plan and a comfortable, ergonomic cockpit, the J/112E is as well suited for the annual cruise as she is sprinting to Mackinaw Island or short-handing through rough weather. Versatility in sailboat design means not only a sailboat that can do many things, but one that can do them across a wide range of conditions, both fair and adverse.
Let There be Light
The J/122E (interior picture shown above) set the style trend for the “E” series, taking an already proven accommodation plan and adding significantly more natural light by way of large port lights and optional hull ports. The J/112E redefines this concept in 36 feet with a spacious two cabin/aft head layout with 6’3” headroom that promises to be as comfortable in port as she is at sea. The varnished walnut joinerwork adds just the right proportion of classic, wood accents without taking away from the incredible sense of space.
Upwind is a Breeze – Downwind is a Blast
As a famous yacht designer once said, “a barn door with a bed sheet can sail downwind, but only true sailboats go to windward.” The J/112E joins her sisterships, the J/97E and J/122E, as an exceptional upwind performer. V-shaped bow sections provide superior directional stability and reduced slamming in waves. Freeboard forward and topside flare help to keep the deck dry. A long waterline combined with a low vertical center of gravity results in a smooth, sea-kindly motion – more like that of a 40 footer.
J/112E is a moderate displacement design with a high aspect, non-overlapping sailplan. This efficient set-up provides ample sail power in light winds (while most others are motoring), and easy to down-shift options when the wind builds. J’s are known for being able to sail well under mainsail alone, jib alone, and nearly any combination of mainsail and small jib. The J/112E is no exception. All one needs is a mainsail and 105% jib to enjoy easy, high performance sailing in winds from 5 to 25 knots. For downwind fun with minimal effort and crew, one can deploy the asymmetric spinnaker from the retractable carbon sprit.
Preliminary Dimensions
LOA 11.00 m
LWL 9.68 m
Beam 3.58 m
Draft 2.10 m
Displacement 5.125 kg
Ballast 1.903 kg
RM 1 130 kg/m
Sail Area (100%) 65 m²
Max A-Sail Area 130 m²
DSPL/L 157
Aux Diesel 30hp
Designed to Sail
Owners have been sailing their J’s offshore for years and their enthusiastic feedback has fueled J/Boats’ continuous pursuit of designing the world’s most comfortable sailing boats. Comfort at sea means more than nice backrests (which by the way the J/112E has). “Sailing comfort” means sailing without stress – like having clear visibility from the helm station; easy access to vital sail controls to allow short-handed sailing; a smooth sea-kindly motion that’s easier on the stomach; numerous handholds and foot braces both above and below decks for secure movement; and a highly maneuverable boat that is easy to dock or moor in tight places. Sailboats that inspire confidence (and reduce stress) inspire their owners to sail more. Maybe that’s why J/ sailors spend so much time sailing.
Efficient & Comfortable Cockpit
Sailors spend more time in the cockpit than anywhere else on board. The J/112E cockpit is second to none. The driver can sit completely forward, straddled or aft of the wheel from the high or low side while fully braced and enjoy sailing for hours without tiring. The single large diameter wheel allows the helmsman to sit outboard to see the jib telltales and waves.
With the J/112E main and jib controls within easy reach, the driver can adjust the sails upwind without leaving the wheel or troubling the crew – who might otherwise be relaxing in the comfortable cockpit seats.
For added on-deck safety, there’s a double lifeline system, stainless grab rails, full length integral toe-rails, a safety harness padeye near the companionway, and aggressive nonskid deck surfaces for confident traction at all angles of heel. A quickly deployable light weight safety ladder mounts to the open, easy-access transom. Liferaft storage is nearby through a quick access cockpit locker. For extended cruising comfort the J/112E options include a large companionway dodger, fold-out helmsman bimini, lifeline pads, and cockpit and helm station seat cushions. On the rare occasion when auxiliary power is needed, the Volvo 30HP diesel engine with 2 bladed folding prop and saildrive will power the J/112E over 7.0 knots.
Oct 11, 2014 @ 00:44
3.445 kg låter betydligt bättre än din info på +20% vs J/111
Peter Gustafsson
Oct 11, 2014 @ 07:15
Ja, det var ju inte svårt att fånga upp att 11300 lbs inte blir 3445 kg…
Oavsett så lär den pinna på bättre än de flesta båtar i samma storleksklass. Vikt är ju inte allt som du vet… 1.060 i IRC skulle innebära typ 1.34 i SRS. Ganska OK för en cruiser ;-)
Oct 11, 2014 @ 08:53
Denne båten ser ut til å kunne bli en ny favorittbåt for mange. Passelig stor og akkurat det en trenger til regattaseiling og familieferier langs kysten. Bra J-Boats!
Oct 11, 2014 @ 11:21
Japp, denna väcker verkligen habegär. Tom livskamraten kommer att gilla den, bara den ekonomiska biten kvar då………får ta ett jobb till i några år :-)
Oct 11, 2014 @ 17:33
Ser klart fin ut. Fast inredningen verkar komma från en större modell. Pentryt, förplken, fönstren stämmer inte och är betydligt större än vad ritningen och utsidan tillåter! Liten men nice 36:a!
Pelle Lindell
Oct 11, 2014 @ 19:35
Det står ju faktiskt i texten att inredningen är från 122E…;-)
Oct 11, 2014 @ 18:51
Nä såklart är inte vikten så viktig bara för jag själv gillar lätta båtar o tjusningen det ger oss(Ewa o mig), och tur att J-boats tar fram en ny båt som är större då också även är snabbare än båten den skall ersätta?
Så ganska jämnförbar mot andra 36fots cruiser/racers som Sun Fast 36, FinnFlyer 36, JPK1080, Dufour 36.
Hoppas att nån kommer hit fler snabba båtar är ju bara kul!
Får vi se någon ny J111 längs med kusten nästa säsong?
Oct 11, 2014 @ 21:55
J/112E ser ut til å få en klassisk innredningslayout og blir nok en relativt dyr båt. Slik jeg ser det plasserer J/112E seg i et segment uten så mange direkte konkurrenter. Jeg tror ikke potensielle kunder vil seriøst vurdere å enten kjøpe Sun Fast 36 eller J/112E. Det ser for meg ut til å være svært forskjellige båter.
J/112E er uansett svært lik min Luffe 3.6 i lengde, vekt, seilareal og sikkert også pris. Den veier 200 kg mer enn Luffe 3.6 men er 40 cm bredere. For meg er denne størrelse båt optimal for shorthanded seiling og familieseilas. Begge båter er lett å håndtere men J/112E er mer minimalistisk under dekk og Luffe 3.6 er mere mot cruising med selvslående fokk og teak/mahogny.
Oct 11, 2014 @ 19:47
Det räcker väl med en buss i serien, J111.