The World Sailing Show | March 2016
World Sailings (före detta ISAFs) nya TV-produktion har börjat sätta sig. En del bra lite djupare analyser, men mestadels samma klipp som vi ser på annat håll.
Lite osäker på vilken som är den primära målgruppen, då man spänner över ett väldigt brett område. Ryktet säger att man lägger nära 1 MUSD per år för att få till den här produktionen…
How do America’s Cup teams balance the race for points on the water with the arms race ashore? We drop in on the opening event of the 2016 America’s Cup World Series in Oman to see the opening races. We then go behind the scenes to talk to one of the Cup world’s leading technical experts to find out how teams are developing the next generation of even faster Cup boats for the big Cup gig next year.
We also find out whether a 600 mile offshore event in the Caribbean is really a T-shirt and shorts affair.
And then there’s the unstoppable Kiwi duo that are taking on the world – what makes Peter Burling and Blair Tuke unbeatable?
We also report on Sailing Arabia The Tour and find out whether rock star sailor Sidney Gavignet could win three in a row.Plus, plenty of news and must watch clips including two costly capsizes and a party trick that changed the sailing rules.
The World Sailing Show, it just gets better.