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For the players, makers and supporters of the art of the racing jong.
The wind is there, the sun is shinning, 183 jongs lined up on the beach, wings spread out, old friends and new faces, old masters and young blood, entire families, music, homemade food stalls, visitors, but above all a togetherness that warms the heart and soul, the real possibility of a collective future. All here to celebrate the North monsoon wind.
While various sponsor such as Nikoi island, Bintan tourism, planet samudra cafe, jong school sekapur sirih put some money fuel in the tank and couldn’t happen without it, the true heroes are the maker/player of jongs and their dedicated support and passion for the art of the racing jong. It is about as green minded an activity that you can think off, in the age of climate change and abuse of resources. Jong racing is becoming cool, and the next generation is no doubt on the way, as long as we keep helping them by the transmission of pure values and know how.