MBBR17 – lördag
God morgon,
hoppas alla hade det trevligt i går!?
Lördagens program ser ut som följer:
07.30-09.00 Frukost på Havshotellet (för de som bokat detta).
08.00-09.00 Registreringen öppen
09.00 Skippers Meeting, Havshotellet
Alla officiella dokument finns här: http://www.blur.se/mbbr/
Resultat kommer löpande här: http://hjbk.org/Sailwave/MBBR/Resultat_2017.html
För er som vill ha tracking. Se nedan.
Första start ca 10.30
Race 1 10.30-11.45 ca
Race 2 12.15-13.30 ca
Race 3 14.00-15.15 ca
– ev målgång vid Strandverket
Dock Party
18:00 – 19:00 Fördrink på Havshotellet
Hello Sailors!
I will act on-shore Virtual 3D Regatta crew using RaceQs this year but hope to join in next year.
1. Download the app RaceQs.
2. Set your boatname and start number as defined in the startlist
3. Set to live streaming on
4. Start tracking in the morning ( No problem to track a full day on a std battery)Your Boat will be connected to the race automatically.
The race is show public online with 5 min delay on :
http://raceqs.com/regattas/57915Its available for replay later as well.
NB: this tracking is just for leisure and analytics and will not be part of race commity decision.
Best Regards
Johan Bystedt
May 27, 2017 @ 16:23
Correction of the link
A first commentary on Race 1S showing Happy Yachting vs Farrgo is on https://youtu.be/0dsZXmX24I4
May 27, 2017 @ 19:56
Race 3 BLUR vs Dacapo
Have a great regatta party!
//johan, your VR guide
May 28, 2017 @ 19:02
resultat ?????
May 28, 2017 @ 19:03
May 29, 2017 @ 12:48
Om någon mer letar: http://hjbk.org/Sailwave/MBBR/Resultat_2017.html
May 29, 2017 @ 12:52
Så svårt var det inte att hitta länken i själva inlägget, “resultat kommer löpande här” ;-)
May 30, 2017 @ 08:23
Egentligen inte….