Nu blir det åka av…
Nu drar det ihop sig. Fleeten har ju jagat söderut och i kväll drabbas man av ett ganska rejält lågtryck som kan ge rejält med vind. Nu får vi se hur mycket man vågar gasa…
The forecast is for winds in the 35 knot range, with gusts much stronger. Seas of over 6-metres are expected.
“The wind is building and slightly more headed than the forecast which creates some questions. It’s just a question of how much it lifts. It affects our sail choice and how low we sail. Right now we’re sort of hedging on the side of caution,” said Vestas 11th Hour Racing navigator Simon Fisher. “Feels like we’re manning battle stations and preparing for war.”
The latest routings and weather forecast. Big breeze will start around 1800UTC.
— Race Experts (@RaceExperts) December 13, 2017
Dec 14, 2017 @ 23:32