Elliot 35 SS Hansen | Sailchart
Det är alltid lika kul att kolla in konkurrenternas segelgarderober, och fundara på styrkor och svagheter. Och hur man själv skulle bestycka en supersportig 35- eller 40-fotare.
Här har gänget på danska Hansen, en Elliot 35 SS som vi tampades med på Sjælland Rundt, delat med sig av sitt sailchart och sin segelgarderob. Vi publicerade vårt här, men jag skall publicera en uppdaterad version med den garderob vi har nu.
Sail crossover
“Do we have anything to put up for this angle and windspeed?…”
This is the question we are asking over and over again when racing Hansen 3.5 both inshore, but even more offshore. The type of boat with all its variations in boatspeed require a large inventory of sails to be able to answer the question with a “YES” every single time.Every sail need to have a large range of windspeeds and windangles to ensure we are not carrying any dead weight in the cabin. This is where our sailmaker, OneSails Danmark, is playing a big part in our project. Sailmaker and saildesigner Sofus Pedersen is sailing on the boat and is monitoring the performance of every single sail before making developments to the designs.
For 2020 season, this is how our sail inventory will look:
Mainsail – with 3 reefs (yes, we do use all of the reefs…)
Jib #1 Light
Jib #2 Medium – with 1 reef
Jib #4 – with 1 reefJib Staysail
Spi Staysail/Windseeker (combined)FR0 (Fractional Code 0)
MH0 (Masthead Code 0)
Asym A1.5
Asym A4
Asym A3 (tightluff, furling sail)
Asym A5 (tightluff, furling sail)Beside this, we have a trysail and stormjib we hope will never come into use…
We are not taking all the sails every time we go racing. For every race we select the sails we want to carry based on the expected weather conditions and the course we are going to sail. If forecast is light, we might leave the A5 and J4 in the trailer while J1 and A1.5 can stay at home for the more windy forecasts.
Does it look similar on your boat or did you pick some different sails?
Pelle Pedersen
Mar 26, 2020 @ 09:48
Ser att sailchart:et är från maj -19. I kommentaren om säsongen 2020 så finns inte A2 utan är ersatt av en A1,5, vore intressant om Sofus kan visa lite skillnaderna mellan dom två. Kan också tänka mig att A1,5 – A4 – A3 kommer att se lite annorlunda ut i sailchart:et efter några tester!!!