124 båtar på linjen
Foto: Laurent Vidal/Photomer
Just nu är det VM i J/80 i La Trinité-sur-mer. Inte dåligt med 124 båtar från 8 nationer?
19: “Sweden” Movin Tomas (30 pts) Sweden (4,13,13,)
35: “Slam” (J 80) Tranback Lennart (57 pts) Sweden (17,21,19,)
50: “Happypancake” Bergh Johannes (81 pts) Sweden (31,25,25,)
Kuriosa är att Didier le Moal, franske J/boats-bossen ligger 47:a (36,22,20,)
Jul 4, 2007 @ 10:24
Ja det kanske är synd att CB66 klassen kom till här i Sverige och mer sabbade övriga klasser än tillförde något??!!
Peter Gustafsson
Jul 4, 2007 @ 10:26
Fel blog ;-)
Jul 4, 2007 @ 11:01
Ja just det …..Sorry!
Peter Gustafsson
Jul 7, 2007 @ 17:18
Alla resultat på http://www.snt-voile.org/classements/freg.php?file=classements/worldj80final2007_s.htm
Peter Gustafsson
Jul 8, 2007 @ 10:00
Spanjorerna dominerade. Inte konstigt när man får ihop 20-30 J/80 varje vecka i Santander:
“The race committee had well anticipated yesterday when inviting the 124 J80 to come earlier on the water of the Baie de Quiberon this morning to benefit from a short improvement of the weather conditions and to take part to three races between 9h and 15h. The competitors divided into two fleets “yellow” and “blue” of 62 boats each started to compete with a wind of 17 knots coming from the West. While suddenly changing in direction and coming from to the North West, the wind also strengthened again and last race was achieved with more than 24 knots.
About the results, the Spanish show keeps going on and both Ignacio Camino (Nextel Engineering) and José Torcida Seghers proved that the first places they won again all day long were not due only to the chance. Victor Lanier was highly performing as well, winning two races. But none of them can forget that the British Kevin Sproul and the American Glenn Darden are not very far and have sailed also very well today. Just as the German Ulrich Muenker regularly well ranked… More than ever, this J80 Toshiba world championship is still full of surprises and the winner will not be known probably before last regatta of the last day on Saturday.
Now all the bests together…
After this second day of races and with 6 races completed, the race committee will now divide the competitors not any more by random but according to their current result. First 60 boats in the general ranking will compete together inside the Gold Round; the 60 other boats will fight inside the Silver Round. Now serious competition will really start in the Baie of Quiberon as main potential winners will now run close to each other in the same fleet and no longer into two different fleets. The unexpected Spanish leaders will now compete directly with their challengers from the French military team and other British and Americans.
Olé Ignacio!
The Spanish Armada (6 boats among the top 50) has taken a real option for the title. Never before in a J80 world championship was the title given to a foreign competitor. Victor Lanier (French Military team) did his best today to try to satisfy this rule. He won two regattas on three, but ranked only 8th on the third one. The American Glenn Darden came from Texas in view to break this rule. But during last race of the day, he weakened and learned how much mistakes can cost in such fighting fleets. Kevin Sproul also gave all his best today and could not do nothing else than admiring and trying to understand these unbelievable Spanish teams who seem to be the best everywhere: “they are the firsts on the line at the starting signal and they seem to be always on the good side of the race area; and what a speed on downwind runs!!!” Ignacio Camino, skipper of Nextel Engineering and current leader seems to be the first surprised. The Spanish J80 fleet has grown very fast recently (more than 100 boats delivered to Spain this year) and started training only a few months ago since last October. But in such a high intensive way! “Every week, we join together for training in Santander with about 20 to 30 J80. One pontoon is dedicated to J80 and we sailed in fleet on a regular basis” explains Ignacio. “We are very surprised by our results here as the level is really high. We will all try to do our best but without any pressure”. With all the best teams now gathered into the same Gold round, this already very exciting world championship will start now an even more intensive phase. “
Inte alls lätt som en plätt | blur
Oct 8, 2007 @ 09:59
[…] Något som är svårt att få som ensam Mumm 30 i Halmstad. Det har ju sett likadant ut i J/80, X-99 och […]