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  1. Mattias Heiding
    Oct 15, 2011 @ 21:04

    Enkalre förklaring;

    Spinnaker; (alt gennaker)
    är segel man sätter upp när man rundat kryssmärket oavsett vindstyrka….men det kan sluta på olika sätt innan den tas ner igen!


  2. Erik J
    Oct 15, 2011 @ 23:50

    Her er litt fler tolkninger av “spinnaker”:

    Etymology of the Word

    Some dictionaries suggest that the origin of the word could be traced to the first boat to commonly fly a spinnaker, a yacht called the Sphinx, mispronounced as Spinx.
    The Sphinx first set her spinnaker in the Solent in 1865, and the first recorded use of the word was in 1866 in the August edition of Yachting Calendar and Review (p. 84).
    In addition, the term may have been influenced by the spanker, originally a gaff rigged fore-and-aft sail.

    It has been pointed out, however, that the skippers of the barges on the Thames (see Thames sailing barge) also used the term spinnaker for their jib staysails. Unlike the other, tanned sails of these boats, the spinnakers were usually of white color. It has thus been suggested that the term could be “connected with the obsolete word spoon, meaning to run before the wind (cf. spindrift). Early usage of the verb to spoon can be traced back to the 16th century; the change from spoon to spin in the term spindrift is attributed to a local Scottish pronunciation.
    According to Merriam Webster’s dictionary, however, spindrift derives from a local Scottish pronunciation of speen (not spoon), meaning “to drive before a strong wind.”

    According to Merriam-Webster’s dictionary, finally, the origin of the word spinnaker is simply unknown.Whereas The Straight Dope argues that the word spinnaker evolved from the name the Sphinx, via sphinxer, to spinniker, and finally spinnaker.

    These references to a mid-nineteenth century origin are problematic. In the logbook of the USS Constitution, opening “Remarks on Board Monday July 13th 1812” is the comment “From 12 to 4 AM moderate breezes and thick cloudy weather with rain at 1 AM hauled up the mainsail and set the spinnaker at ½ past 3 AM set the mainsail JTS [John T. Shubrick, Fifth Lieutenant].”

    Kilde: Wikipedia / Spinnaker


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