North retro | mainsail instructions
75 World One Ton Cup winner, PIED PIPER, set up for fresh air beating. Note flattening reef about 2/3 in, cunningham down 6″ to correspond to substantial amount of mast bend, traveler 4″ – 6″ to leeward, genoa sheet bridled part way out from inner track, 1st reef ready to go in if needed.
Skall vi gissa på 1975-76? Alla som saknar planrevet räcker upp en hand :-)
Hela finns som PDF här. Enjoy!
Tack till Pelle Pedersen som letat i gömmorna.
Mar 13, 2018 @ 11:02
Fra en venn som var ombord på bildet:
Yes I am forward on the rail The Pied Piper was a doug Peterson designed one tonner that Dick Jennings and Lowell North Built and won the one ton cup that year. they then sold it to Ted Turner who campaigned her tor a year. In the picture Ted is Stering and Lowell is in front of him calling tactics.
John Rumsey
Mar 13, 2018 @ 22:30
“Tunga” gubbar i afterguarden!!