Ny version av Expedition
Nav- och taktikmjukvaran Expedition kom just i version 4.2. Nick White sammanfattar:
“We’ve upgraded the network interface, giving some exciting new possibilities and have added support for some new instrument systems. If you have a legacy KVH Quadro system, Exp now supports your system. We’ve also enhanced Ockam, Silva and AIS support.
The really exciting news is that Expedition now supports the Racing Bravo instrument system as used by the leading Americas Cup teams. Racing Bravo is universally acknowledged as being the highest performing instrument system available. It is a refreshing step up in terms of all performance, versatility, ease of use and reliability from the legacy systems used by some other AC teams.
In line with our new association with Racing Bravo and our AC users, we have taken the opportunity to further refine the short course racing functions in Expedition – the start-line display, countdown timers and general windward-leeward course support are all noticeably improved.
While we already know through feedback and comparative testing that Expedition’s optimal routing is the only option for ocean races, it is satisfying to see this demonstrated time and time again in the major races – such as the Volvo Ocean race, Transpac and Bermuda races. We’ve managed to make some small, but noticeable improvements to the optimal routing functions.
Weather support and display has been enhanced, including new support for ProGrib and Ocens WeatherNet services. We even have a free grib file viewer available.
We’ve also found time to refine Expedition’s C-Map and Bsb charting. Polars have some exciting new features and there is even a Google Earth function, which is great for web publishing or just sharing your voyages with friends and family.”
Man släpper alltså ett gratisprogram, ExpeditionLT som är en så kallad “Grib viewer” för att kunna spela upp och analysera väderfiler. Bra sammanfattning av begreppen kring GRIB-filer och läsare finns på WIKIsailing (ambitöst av Carl Jarnling).
Racing Bravo låter ju extremt cool. Inte för att skruva på sin egen båt, men ur ett tekniskt/teoretiskt perspektiv. All info jag hittar är på Spanska (Un sistema de navegación para alta competición), nån annan som har koll?
Update 061219: här finns RacingBravo!
Apr 13, 2008 @ 18:28
Who do I contact to receive repairs on my KVH Quadro system?
Apr 13, 2008 @ 20:58
Randall, try http://www.findwired.com/Archive/KVH.html