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  1. Brorsan
    Jul 23, 2009 @ 17:24

    Tycker de e märkligt att man väljer att ha sån extremt liten akterrunda på storseglet, när de flesta verkar överäns om att fathead är en bra grej, eller har jag missat något vitalt ?


  2. Richard D.
    Jul 23, 2009 @ 17:52

    De andra på det bildförslaget har ju inte heller fathead (dubbla häckstag) men visst, lite större akterrunda. Kanske är bilden inte överesstämmande eller så kanske det justeras under resans gång.. Såg ngn .annan bild där förslagen hade riktigt fathead, kanske kan bli så också, men det blir ju lite annan hantering då..


  3. Mattias
    Jul 24, 2009 @ 00:32

    Archambault verkar ha flyt för tillfället. Skall bli spännande att följa.


  4. Nordmannen
    Jul 24, 2009 @ 09:56

    Tror ikke det blir mindre moro av at båten ikke har fathead main.


  5. Klabbe
    Jul 24, 2009 @ 14:49

    Fransk tillverkare/konstrukör till franskt projekt!
    Same, same but different.
    Obegripligt att de där runda Lewmar-luckorna hänger med på båt efter båt. Var är fördäckarnas fackförbund?


  6. Peter Gustafsson
    Jul 24, 2009 @ 16:24

    Two announces in one: a new boat and a new race

    9.00 am today in la Seyne-sur-Mer, right before the last race of the 2009 Tour de France à la Voile: the race director William Borel revealed the monotype to replace the Farr 30 in 2011. He exposed her name to the 23 teams of the TFV and in the presence of Henry Bacchini, vice president of the French Sailing Federation, and Frédéric de Watrigant, the Tour de France à la Voile director: the M34 project, built by the Archambault boatyard and designed by Joubert-Nivelt Design, a French yacht design office.

    This 10,34 meters long, modern looking monotype is one meter longer than the Farr 30. She should be especially powerful thanks to a greater sail area/displacement ratio and will be able to sail longer offshore legs. This advantage allowed William Borel to reveal another release: the creation of the first transatlantic with a crew on a monotype. The start of such bi-annual race, supervised by the TFV managers, Larivière Organisation and supported by the French Sailing Federation, will be given at the winter/spring 2011/2012. It should follow the trade winds so as to be a proper speed run across the Atlantic. A dream for many racers across the world.

    Emmanuel Archambault, the boatyard manager, and Alexandre Mercier, Joubert-Nivelt Design architect, confirmed the launching of the first M34 for March 2010. She will be officially introduced as soon as for the next TFV, in July 2010. Frédéric de Watrigant claimed that five units per month will be built from this date. The end of a nine month-long story, since the announce of a design brief for the new TFV boat in November 2008. It is not only a new boat, but also a new offshore adventure.

    To change the boat of the Tour de France à la Voile is not an easy thing. Only six monotypes did the job in 32 years: the Ecume de Mer in 1978, the First 30 from 1979 to 1981, the Rush Royale in 1982 and 1983, the Sélection from 1984 to 1991, the JOD 35 from 1992 to 1998 and finally the Farr 30 (ex-Mumm 30) from 1999 to 2010. The later the longer, since the last three monotypes covered 26 years of the race history. It speaks for the career of the new boat ! Indeed, the ten points of the design brief required a construction strong enough to last at least ten years at the top. This design brief has been written down in November 2008 in Saint-Tropez during a meeting. Twelve personalities from the sailing world were there, approved by the French Sailing Federation and led by the race director William Borel. He never forgot about the spirit of this document while selecting the new boat. It was all about the historic and unique plan of this race, which mixes technical regattas (triangles), coastal and offshore legs up to 200 miles long. Amateurs and students shall also be able to sail against professional sailors on a same start line aboard the exact same boat. Moreover, the design brief requires a modern boat, easily transportable by road, with a reasonable draft to enter into ports, asking for no more than five to six crews on board, with a retractable pool for an asymmetrical spinnaker, for a reasonable cost (120 000 Euros duty-free with the trailer). She will generally be a more offshore boat than the Farr 30. The boatyard must ensure the respect of the gauge in time so as to ensure the international aspect of the class.

    January 31, 2009, William Borel received 23 preliminary projects coming from nine different countries: it was the expression of a major interest. On Mars 13, three names were selected: the JPK 998 by JPK Composite and designed by Jacques Valer, the One Design T2011 by K-Challenge and designed by Russel Coutts/Andrej Justin, and finally the M34 by the Archambault boatyard and designed by Joubert-Nivelt Design. William Borel finally chose this one after many surveys. Why? “This project offered the most original choices with the K-Challenge one. I am thinking about the retractable keel, which allows a 2,5 m draft at sea to be reduced to 1,70 m in port or during transportation. It strictly respects the design brief according to the budget safeties. The Archambault boatyard guaranties the international aspect with more than 1650 Surprises sailing across the world since 1977.”

    The M34 is only a temporary name: Larivière Organisation will announce her final name later on, like the final name for the new race across the Atlantic. The boat will succeed to the Farr 30 after twelve years. William Borel sums up the advantages of the new monotype compared to her older sister: “She is longer, more modern and suited to offshore legs. Her sail area/displacement ratio is way greater, she will sail ½ knot faster upwind and much faster downwind thanks to her greater hull volume and an asymmetrical spinnaker (130 m2 for 90 in the Farr 30). She will then be easier to transport thanks to her retractable keel and because of a mast split into two parts, already seen on the RC44.”

    The offshore qualities of the Archambault M34 also allow a wider range of races. This is the reason why Larivière Organisation announces the same day the creation of the first transatlantic with a crew on a monotype. Its code name, One Wave West, sounds like a dream. Recognized by the French Sailing Federation, this new race will leave for the Antilles during the winter/spring 2011/2012, right after the first TFV to be run on the M34. Two days ago, Cino Ricci, the Giro Vela manager, announced he would choose the M34 as the new boat of this Italian race when renewing the boat. The circuit should therefore be more dynamic and more international thanks to such a new boat. Good news for the TFV.

    Three questions to Emmanuel Archambault, the boatyard manager:

    What does this announce mean for your boatyard?
    “In terms of image, it is definitely a plus. It brings us a national and international fame. It is a true challenge to build the boat the Tour de France à la Voile wishes, according to the technical surveys of the sailors. It is not a typical business: when we build a sailing yacht, we plan to sale it first. Here, I would say she is already sold. We therefore are free to get closer from our ideal, to create the faster and the most ergonomic boat. There is no compromise. The entire boatyard was very motivated to win this competition. It means a lot for a work my father started 50 years ago and for the architect I am working with for 30 years!”

    Do you confirm the production of five units per month starting from July 2010?
    “Yes, since we must build five units a month if we want 30 to 40 units to be launched in July 2011. However, I am not worried as we experimented it with the Grand Surprise, whose seven are build per month in our boatyard.”

    Archambault, it is…?
    “A eight millions Euros Corporate Association in 2008, 120 boats built per year and 60 employees. We are in the Haute-Vienne, in between Paris and Bordeaux. In 1964, before to build the first Nordest, a Sergent design, my father, who was a carpenter, built oyster boats there.”

    Archambault M34 Main Parameters – between brackets are the Farr 30 parameters.

    Length Over All: 10,34 m (9,43)
    Beam: 2,98 m (3,08)
    Displacement: 2 400 kg (2 040 kg)
    Draft: 1,70 m/2,5 m (2,10 m)
    Sail area upwind: 72 m2 (56 m2)
    Spinnaker: 130 m2 (90 m2)
    Architects: Joubert/Nivelt Design
    Boatyard: Archambault
    Cost included the trailer: 120 000 Euros


  7. Brorsan
    Jul 24, 2009 @ 20:35

    120 ooo euro, inte så farligt för en hobby…

    Undrar om de kommer bli en massa Farr 30 till salu till reapris nu då (:


  8. PelleL
    Jul 24, 2009 @ 23:46

    Farr 30’or är ju rätt billiga redan idag men dom lär ju inte gå upp i pris…..och de flesta är nog rätt slutkörda….”ridden hard and put away wet…”


  9. Patrick L
    Aug 6, 2009 @ 11:19

    Även om jag rent allmänt skulle hålla med PelleL så tror jag man får nyansera sig lite och till att börja med konstatera att det finns två “släkter” av F30; de som har gått Touren länge och de som inte har det. De som har kört Tour de France a la Voile är båtar som kappseglas och tränas kanske 2000 (!) M varje år medan de som inte kör touren ligger på en bråkdel av detta.

    Jag köpte själv en ’99:a som har gått ett (1) VM och i övrigt endast seglats klubbseglingar, aldrig touren. Det finns en hel del sådana båtar och även om de kan vara lite slitna i gelcoat o.s.v. så verkar båtarna vara strukturellt fina.

    Om båtarna skulle vara slutkörda borde resultatlistorna domineras av nya båtar men så är det ju inte. Om vi tittar på Tour de France 2009 så vanns den av Courrier Dunkerque som har skrovnummer 76, d.v.s en Ovington från ’99. Tvåa kom gamla svenska “Magi” som nu heter Toulon Provence och är Ovington nr 14 (’97:a?). Amatörklassen vanns av Carroll nr 51 (’98 eller ’99) och studentklassen av en Ovington med nr 84 (’01).

    På VM 2007 i Porto Cervo var alla topp 10-båtar äldre än 2001!

    Alla har vi olika preferenser men med detta i ryggen tror jag faktiskt man får svårt att hitta en F30 som är “slutkörd”. Det verkar vara ett starkt bygge som pallar både stenhård segling och ett långt liv i år räknat. Bra value for money helt enkelt.


  10. Använd ditt Nexus-system | BLUR
    Dec 10, 2009 @ 21:53

    […] Pack”. Och jag som hade hoppats på en trådlös fjärr :-)Ryktet säger också att alla nya M34 som skall segla Tour de France à la Voile 2011 kommer att vara utrustade med Nexus. Snyggt. Kan […]


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