Artemis & KSSS blir Challenger of Record
Swedish Challenger becomes Challenger of Record for 34th America’s Cup
The Royal Swedish Yacht Club (Kungliga Svenska Segel Sällskapet, KSSS), represented by Artemis Racing, has become the Challenger of Record for the 34th America’s Cup. “We welcome KSSS and their team Artemis Racing into this role,” AC34 Regatta Director Iain Murray said.
America’s Cup Defender, Golden Gate Yacht Club, informed Murray of the withdrawal by the Italian yacht club Club Nautico di Roma (CNR) earlier today.
“We also thank CNR and their team Mascalzone Latino for their efforts in the important start-up phase of the 34th America’s Cup. While we are disappointed to lose a great Italian contender in Mascalzone Latino and CNR, we are confident in the leadership we anticipate from the KSSS and Artemis Racing.”
CNR filed the first challenge for the 34th America’s Cup and thereby became the “Challenger of Record.” KSSS was the second challenger to enter, and under America’s Cup rules, automatically succeeds as Challenger of Record.
May 17, 2011 @ 21:18
Undra vad som hände med italienarna och hoppas ac45 kommer till stockholm för en regatta!
Pelle P
May 18, 2011 @ 10:52
Enl deras egna uttalanden så ansåg dom själva att dom inte hade know-how mm för att ha en chans att vinna.
May 17, 2011 @ 22:48
Det verkade fishy redan för flera månader sedan när Vincento “leasade ut sina AC45or till Oracle.. Kul med en svensk COR. Innebär det någon fördel för Artemis, annat än titeln?
Claes Hiersemann
May 17, 2011 @ 23:44
Detta är stort!
Vilket LYFT för Svensk segling……………..!
(Tur att via har Artemis TEAM, nu när “Lås-Kalle” brände alla pengar i Mexikanska Gulfen som skulle gått till nästa Volvo V70, “B-P, Beyond-Petrolium”)
-Happy Sailing! ………./)…./)…/)..¤………
Dirty Dennis
May 19, 2011 @ 16:01
Artemis är ju nästan lika Svenskt som BP.