Sweet…. Forty 1 Design
Eller bara konstig? Vad sägs om Jason Kers senaste Class 40? Framförallt i aktern har det hänt en del.. Ker och McConaghy har ju varit framgångsrika med Ker 40, och det skall bli spännande att se vad Team Concise kan åstadkomma i Class 40.
The design philosophy for the Forty (1) Design was to start with a clean sheet of paper, applying our advanced design technology to arrive at the fastest concept and shape.
A particular feature of the combined CFD and numerical optimisation technology we have developed, is that an essentially unlimited number of shapes can be explored within a reasonable space of time, a technique which contrasts dramatically with traditional yacht design optimisation which typically starts with a known reference point and makes incremental steps towards an improved solution, one tweak at a time and quite likely never arriving at a truly optimal solution in the lifetime of a box rule.
Coming from a background of other racing rules and Americas Cup, every aspect of the design has been looked at with fresh eyes, from the point of view of performance, rule constraints and practicality, finding many gains which individually might not be large but together become very worthwhile. The sail-plan has been through a major CFD optimisation process, internal structure has been optimised in close conjunction with interior stacking ergonomics, great lengths have been taken to minimise the actual VCG within the rules’ 90 degrees RM constraint.
Team Concise produce new production boat
Having now campaigned two production Class 40’s, we at Team Concise decided it was time to commission our own fully optimized, race boat. In conjunction with Ker Yacht Design, McConaghy Boats and with the advantage 6 continuous years of successful Class 40 racing experience we believe that our new Forty (1) Design, the first ‘Next Generation’ yacht, will be able to out preform anything in today’s Class 40 circuit.
After having been immersed in the Amercia’s Cup, Ker Yacht Design have developed a unique Neural Network (NN) which has allowed over 70,000 hull forms to be tested. The most promising hull candidates were then RANS CFD tested, shortlisting favorites for particular courses and weather patterns. Our optimal hull was chosen out of these.
Team Concise working with McConaghy Boats (Winner of ‘2013 Boat of the year’, for its MC38 and KER 40) have invested heavily in tooling and mold production to ensure the highest quality and consistent finish at a competitive price.
North Sails have developed a unique set of flying shapes in association with America’s Cup Designer Chris Williams. When combined with the work of the rig manufacturer the result is a sophisticated sail wardrobe and a very low overall VCG.
Eastern Electronics have simplified and improved Concise 2’s electronic and autopilot systems, putting it’s advanced design in the hands of all of our sailors.
Meanwhile Skipper Ned Collier Wakefield and his crew have put an immense amount of effort into deck ergonomics, ballast system design and boat trim. The outcome of all this is the best possible layout suited to winning ways.
Most importantly the new boat will be series built as a One Design. Strict quality and weight control will be maintained throughout the building process. The aim is to enable sister ships to race in the global arena on a level footing. This will have the benefit of determining the best sailors in the world rather than those with the deepest pockets. Just as important as a “One Design Class 40” the excessive rate of depreciation currently suffered by existing boats produced to the box rule will significantly be reduced.
Ocean racing represents the aspirations of many sailors. Recently, Class 40 boats have escalated in price thus reducing the chance of racing in the world top races, to wishful thinking for many. Team Concise’s up front investment, advance building technique’s and unique One Design concept saves money and has brought our boat prices down to an accessible level. We are certain that with the new Forty (1) Design not only will there be more boats in the next editions, but we will be right in the winning mix. There is only one thing better than competing and that’s is winning.
Erik Barkefors
Jan 13, 2013 @ 17:52
Lite Batmobile över de aktre hörnen men de fyller helt klart en funktion för att få ut/bak backstagsfästena.
Sittbrunnen på Calss 40 är på väg att bli allt mer skyddad för besättningen och Ker följer den trenden. Övrig sittbrunnslayout är ofta designad för respektive skeppare med en eller två rorkultar, placering av trim osv…
Ser kul ut och det vore bra om fler än Pogo och Akilaria lyckas få till serier av Class 40.
Peter Gustafsson
Jan 13, 2013 @ 18:05
Hörnen är också bra för att få upp skotpunkterna för undanvindsseglen. På både IMOCA och nya VO65 får man dessutom ha små utriggare som håller ut/upp skoten ytterligare. Osäker på Class 40.
Pelle Lindell
Jan 13, 2013 @ 19:43
Fenorna är troligen också ett sätt att kringgå stabilitetsreglerna i Class 40. Klassregeln förskriver ett max rätande moment vid 90 graders krängning och en minsta medelfribordshöjd. Genom att höja fribordet i aktern kan man sänka det på mitten vilket sänker RM90 eller snarare tillåter en lägre tyngdpunkt vid max RM90 vilket ger större rätande moment vid de krängningsvinklar där man seglar. Ren rule-cheating :-)
Jan 13, 2013 @ 23:23
Hade man aldrig gissat från bilden.
Kul att ngn har koll, lite varför man hänger på Blur : )
Ser ut som trimtamparna går rätt igenom mitten på salongen ?
Pelle Pedersen
Jan 14, 2013 @ 00:02
+1, men “salong”???:)
Jan 14, 2013 @ 07:26
Salong eller svit på Lido däck, nära till spa avdelningen: )
Undrar om det finns Egyptiska bomullslakan samt badrockar från Mascaloni, fri mini bar samt Dorelan kuddar ?
Pelle Pedersen
Jan 14, 2013 @ 07:48
Bar då?:)
Jan 13, 2013 @ 21:56
kanske det sexigaste i monohull-väg hittils…!