Nya Diva 40
Senaste från Bernt Lindqvist. Personligen tycker jag ju att Diva 39 var en helt unik båt men det här oundvikligen blir väldigt likt Dehler 38 eller Xp-38? Skall i vilket fall bli kul att se den på vattnet under 2015. Nån som vill gissa hur snabb den är?
LOA 12.25
LWL 11.20
BEAM 3.80
DRAFT 2.15
SAIL AREA JIB, 106% 37.1
BERTHS 4 OR 6 + 2
FUEL 150
The very first Diva model, the Diva 39, was introduced back in 1982. It quickly became very successful and as recently as in 2011 the Diva 39 won it´s class at ÅFOR, the biggest offshore race in Scandinavia. In the years between the Diva 39 has won as many hearts as races and over 250 Diva 39´s were built. The Diva 39 introduced a new concept with focus not on rating rules but ease of handling, fast lines and a comfortable interior built in traditional Swedish style. It was the first long, narrow, light displacement yacht to take advantage of the latest research in yacht design.A couple of years later, in 1986, the Diva 35 was introduced and it was another innovative boat built partly in Kevlar and featured a fuller bow to create longer sailing lines. These features has since become very popular. The Diva 35 was also very successful and was built in over 300 examples.
T he Diva 38 was introduced in 2001 and won the prestigious ”Boat of the Show” at Scandinavian Boat Show the same year. It featured some new innovations in both the interior- and exterior layout. The new Diva 35 came a couple of years later and won the Tjörn Runt in 2011.
Diva Yachts has a long history of innovation and success of which we are very proud. It is also a legacy that requires us to work hard to when developing new models, we do not just want to build a boat, we want to bring something new and better to sailors.
The New Diva 40 is in some ways a modern iteration on the original Diva 39. The objective has been to create a yacht that is not excessive in size, interior and concept. Pure lines, a clean layout, innovative solutions and a focus on joy of sailing and comfort. A true Sailors Yacht optimized for cruising and racing. A yacht that brings the Diva heritage into the future. The Diva 40 has moderate beam for it´s length. This brings a number of advantages.• Good all-around performance, especially upwind, which normally is about where 70% of the time is spent sailing.
• Modern, high-tech construction utilizing the latest advances in materials, laminate plans and construction methods.
• Interior layout and specification as on a 38-footer, but with the benefits of space of the 40 feet length. We have not tried to squeeze in excessive functions which results in an open and spacious feeling.
• World renown Swedish build quality with a contemporary styling. The objective is a modern take on the classical mahogany interiors.
• Light displacement for it´s length due to the well planned layout and modern build methods.
• Because of the moderate displacement, the need for exaggerated sail areas is avoided, making the boat easy to handle for a family, and fast for the racer.
• Price target set very aggressive relative to the build method, materials and quality. The attractive price is also a result of the low weight, smart interior planning and advances in build methods.
• Facilitate different decks and layouts for a wider customer base.
Jun 26, 2014 @ 21:33
Diva 40 SC ser spännande ut. Speciellt vad gäller tankarna kring inredningslayout. Vad gäller prestanda tror jag på ett SRS kring 1.40. Båten är väl inte i första hand tänkt som en racer men en cruiser som enkelt och bekvämt skall kunna seglas fort. Köl- och roderdesign av Kåre Ljung, f d chefskonstruktör på Marströms, är en garanti för bra fart. För mer info kring nya Divan se http://www.hamnen.se.
Jun 26, 2014 @ 22:04
En ännu bättre länk är http://www.bavariasverige.se/segelbatar/fabola-diva/diva-40 ;-)
Vad jag menar är att specen på en “cruiser som enkelt och bekvämt skall kunna seglas fort” inte differentierar den från konkurrenterna? Att man lyfter fram detaljer som flyttbara navbord, nackkuddar eller köksöar pekar ju på att man är på i stort sett samma ställe på marknaden.
Det är fine – och säkert ett bra affärsbeslut – men med Diva 39 så gjorde man något helt eget med fokus på riktig segling. Det kanske jag saknar här…
Jun 26, 2014 @ 22:00
Ser interessant ud,,men minder også om er projekt fra 1993 der har fået nyt liv.
Kanske projektet fra 1993 var lidt tidligt ude
ref: http://www.diva35.com/d35_pdf/diva35/diva410.pdf
Jun 26, 2014 @ 22:06
Nice find!
Jun 26, 2014 @ 23:38
Gillade den ursprungliga designen med den skyddade främre delen av sittbrunnen och utsikten från sittgruppen i salongen hade hoppats att den kunnat bli verklighet, har för mig att den fanns i svensk tidskrift 1992 ?
Jun 27, 2014 @ 10:46
Då pratade men om lägre totalvikt o 1/2t mer vikt i kölen…
Gillar båten skaråpt, men tycker att 7-8t färdig båt inte gör att den sticker ut.
Lite väl mycket cruiser över den, men ser ju skön ut!
Kul att det kommer nya designer från Sweden
Jun 27, 2014 @ 08:41
Kul att de kommer med en ny modern Diva. Svårt att komma med så mkt nytt men den verkar riktigt fin. XP är ju nice.
Jun 27, 2014 @ 12:08
Hoppas de släppt iden med alla 90graders vinklar på linorna från masten fram till rorsman..