Hugo Boss sjunker…
Här är filmen från räddningen av Alex Thomson och Guillermo Altadill från helt nya Hugo Boss.
Det verkar vara något allvarligt fel i design eller byggnation av nya IMOCA, Massor av skador och delamineringar. Det är bara Banque Populaire som hållit ihop (och leder för tillfället, 25 distans före gamla PRB).
Anders B
Nov 1, 2015 @ 12:03
Har du någon konkret information om konstruktionsfel. Eller är det (den ganska självklara) slutsatsen efter att 4 av 5 nya båtar fått bryta eller gå i hamn för reparation. Hugo Boss driver 100 NM utanför La Coruna, shore team ska ut och försöka bärga, dom borde vara där nu, finns nån information om detta?
Peter Gustafsson
Nov 1, 2015 @ 16:08
Jag tror nog att man behöver sammanställa data från alla båtarna, men jag skulle inte alls bli förvånad om delamineringen har skett kring de nya centerbordstrummorna. Svårt att räkna på dessa på nåt riktigt bra sätt…
Thomas Wiberg
Nov 1, 2015 @ 14:49
Påminner inte så lite om dramatiken under Route de Rhum 2002 där deltagarna mötte ett elakt lågtryck med dramatiskt väder. Den gången var det ett gäng för året nya ORMA 60 trimaraner som inte höll måttet utan desintegrerade i större eller mindre grad. Man konstaterade efteråt att det använts mycket kolfiber av högmodultyp i de nya båtarna och att man förmodligen passerat en gräns och att båtarna därigenom blivit sköra. Senare infördes begränsningar för vilken typ av kolfiber som fick användas i ORMA-båtarna.
Utveckling är svårt (men intressant) och den nya generationen av IMOCA-båtar har verkligen flyttat gränser. Hoppas verkligen att de slutsatser som dras kring orsaker till problemen inte göms undan utan publiceras. Jätteskönt att detta verkar ha klarats av utan att någon dött eller skadats allvarligt!
Sam V
Nov 1, 2015 @ 16:52
Jean-Pierre Dick, skeppare på foilaren St Michel-Virbac, som just brutit: “I am very disappointed but we must move on positively. We will go straight into a boat building process be able to sail safely and at 100% potential. Boats designed today are too fragile. We work now with the designers on Version 2 which is more consistent with the program. With my partners, we are frustrated not being able to finish the race but that’s part and parcel of this game. These are racing prototypes. You need to update and evolve these prototypes. We knew we had a lot to learn with this new generation of boat foiler. And so we are already working to the future.”
Peter Gustafsson
Nov 1, 2015 @ 17:07
Per J
Nov 1, 2015 @ 17:37
Från Sailing Anarchy:
We spoke to exhausted ATR Managing Director Stew Hosford a few minutes ago as he boarded a plane for Vigo, Spain, and he was glad to have the chance to update Alex and Guillermo’s fans around the world. Here’s the exclusive report on what happened and what’s coming up from Mr. Clean.
1) As you may have already read in their early-morning statement, Alex and Guillermo were on their way back to port after a temporary fix of several broken ribs – the same problem noted by at least two new other VPLP/Verdier boats – when they were rolled and dismasted.
2) In fact they’d stopped the boat and were hove to on port during the little unforecasted bomb of a depression that developed off the NW coast of Spain two days ago. Alex was asleep down below and Guillermo was on watch when a massive breaker capsized the boat.
3) From inside the boat, Alex found the canting button and moved the keel to the other side. The boat snapped back upright, coming up without a rig and with plenty of new damage, including a broken foil.
4) The boat was full of water, the electronics were fried, and it was time to GTFO.
5) On reaching shore, all Alex could tell his technical crew was ‘I’m going to get my boat.” The team wasted no time chartering an oceangoing tug, and they are already on station about 100 NM to the Northwest of La Coruña with Hugo Boss.
6) The dewatering is going well, the boat will be cleaned up and made as safe as possible today, then towed back to Spain overnight.
As soon as Alex has had a big of sleep and his boat is safe and sound, we’ll have an extensive interview.
Still no statement or word from VPLP or Verdier, who have a very difficult route to negotiate themselves right now. Between the insurers, race organizers, teams, and the ocean racing community, Vincent and Guillaume have very few optionsin how they handle this situation if they are to avoid becoming known as the next JuanK.
Nov 1, 2015 @ 19:36
Under bogser?
Nov 2, 2015 @ 08:04
Känns mest som killarna ville göra en cool film (för att få många visningar), hemsk musik som inte direkt harmoniserar med aktuella dramat.
Peter Gustafsson
Nov 2, 2015 @ 08:57
Det roliga är att det är Portugisiska räddningstjänsten som tar hem PR-priset före gänget på Hugo Boss :-)
Är det bara jag som tycker att det var konstigt att man hade så bråttom att bli räddade? Vädret ser ju lugnt ut och med en uppblåst flotte vid sidan borde man kunnat stanna i båten tills bogserbåten kom på plats. Nu är ju båten på väg till Spanien under bogsering (om man inte redan är framme).
Nov 2, 2015 @ 13:58
Alex Thomson and his team are onboard HUGO BOSS which is now in a stable situation. Alex’s IMOCA 60 is undergoing the necessary checks in order to tow her back to A Coruna, Spain. Where additional team members are on hand to assist with the pending arrival. The rig has been removed and the water onboard pumped out, allowing the racing yacht to be towed. The weather conditions have enabled Alex Thomson Racing to complete a swift response to the emergency situation which occurred yesterday. The yacht is currently situated 100 miles offshore. The crew will remain onboard to make the necessary checks to ensure a safe tow through the night.
Technical Director Ross Daniel says ‘I am proud of our team considering the potential severity of the situation. Of course it’s disappointing we have had to retire from the race. But this year’s Transat Jacques Vabre has provided the fleet with challenging conditions, forcing seven IMOCA’s to retire. As a team we now need to focus on getting HUGO BOSS safely through the night and then assess the situation once she is alongside tomorrow.’
Nov 2, 2015 @ 16:57
“We are pleased to say our yacht is safely tied up to the dock in Spain. Updates to follow… #TJV2015”
Nov 7, 2015 @ 11:16
Brukar inte båtar med namnet Hugo Boss sjunka? Ungefär som 1-tonnare seglade av Harold Cudmore? ;)