L4 Trifork redo för RORC Transatlantic Race
Fick lite snygga bilder och en drönarfilm från Søren Wiegand.
L4 Trifork är ju sä nära en Skandinavisk båt vi kommer med Boule Bekking, Jens Dolmer, Søren Kristensen, Joe Larsen, Aksel Magdahl, Juan Pablo Macos Totto, Klaes Meier-Andersen, Stefano Nova, Simbad Quiroga och Joca Signorini.
Båten är ju gamla Ericsson 4, med nya foils, lättad och med längre peke.
It’s great to be back to Lanzarote and Marina Puerto Calero!
We had a short practice day today to check up the boats systems and some sails in the Trifork. It was another classic windy day out there with 22 to 27 kts and big waves. Great memories of the many practice days we had out there with the Ericsson team.
We are looking forward for the Transatlantic on the Trifork, which has been up graded with some foils, longer bowsprit and different ballast configuration compared to the VO70 rules. The boat is also lighter with a new keel fin.
We are very much looking forward for the race!!Cheers
Joca Signorini
Watch captain Trifork