70’ Multi One Design
ORMA 60 har varit en stor klass sedan tidigt 80-tal, och som mest fanns det 18 båtar på linjen 2002 (Route du Rhum). Men nu verkar intresset ha avtagit, och racen i år samlar bara några få båtar.
Orsakerna är flera. Dels har kostnaderna för att ta fram nya båtar och kampanja dem blivt mycket höga. Dels optimerades de nyare båtarna för bansegling (vilket var stort i Frankrike) vilket gjorde dem mindre säkra på havet (bara 3 av 18 kom i mål på Route du Rhum 2002). Sedan kan man säkert se konkurrens både från stora 100-fots multis som slår rekord, och betydligt billigare IMOCA 60.
En möjlig lösning är en entypstrimaran, MOD 70. Man tror att en sådan hade kunnat kosta 2M€ jämfört med en ORMA 60 som kostar 3M€. Även de löpande kostnaderna kommer att bli lägre.
length over all 21,4 m
beam overall 16,91 m
draft 4,50 m
height above waterline 28,50 m
light deplacement 6,2 T
up-wind sail area 267 m²
down wind sail area 397 m²
Sailing has always meant dreams and adventure, with values based on daring, discovery and striving. Now a competitive sport in its own right, sailing combines two complementary aspects which make up its strength: technology and people.
Thanks to its modernism, its technological innovations, its performances and its estheticism, the ocean multihull has transcended love of the sea and racing by attracting a much larger audience than the natural sailing public.
After those that can be considered pioneers: Tabarly, Kersauzon, Birch… the heroes of the 80s and 90s: Bourgnon, Peyron, Poupon, Arthaud… appeared a new generation of navigators, combining generosity, talent and professionalism… Cammas, Lemonchois, Bidégorry, Ravussin, Desjoyeaux… Recently, the multihull and ocean racing have awakened the interest of Anglo-saxon and Scandinavian skippers, like Ellen MacArthur (GB), Knut Frostad (Norway), Klabbe Nylof (Sweden).
Today, the ocean multihull brings together the best skippers of the ocean world.
Modernism and performance, security, reliability and cost effectiveness, the 70’ Multi One Design is going to become the boat of reference for the Orma class for ten years starting in October 2009. A strong and innovative concept, voluntarily turned toward the internationalization of the circuit and already creating a new, keen interest for sailing enthusiasts.
The Multi One Design World Championship will be made up of:
- An annual European Tour, organized over 5 weeks in June and July – a genuine tour of Europe at the heart of the biggest capitals.
- An «ocean» program with each year one or two big Transatlantic races including one-handed or doubles races outwards (Route du Rhum, Transat Jacques Vabre, The Transat) and return races with crews including the Quebec / St Malo Transat. This « return transat » program will eventually include two new concepts being studied for 2011 and 2013.
Offshore sailing has been booming in France for the past ten years. An example is the Route du Rhum, which gathers 1 million visitors for each start, and the Jacques Vabre Transat which gathers 300 000. This increasing interest is now shared by a number of European countries who have recently discovered this fascination with offshore multihulls. This keen interest represents a genuine media and events potential on a European level.