Newport-Bermuda Race Start
Speedboat vs Puma vs Ramler vs Numbers vs …
Peter Gustafsson News newport bermuda race, puma, speedboat 0
Finally had some time to put together a video from our race to Bermuda. Full race report here.
It’s always hard to write a race report after a big race. Should you do it immediately afterward and try to capture the raw emotions, or wait a week or two to gain some perspective and reflect on strategy and execution? I had no choice as we had the Bermuda Double-handed Return Race to focus […]
Vi har nu fått lite ordning på allt efter Newport Bermuda Race. Det kommer så klart att komma en riktig racerapport, men det är mycket annat som skall fixas. Det var ett tufft race där 2 båtar (en J/122 och en Swedish Yachts 41) fick överges. Med också en del taktiska utmaningar både i början […]