E3 förbi Kap Horn
Gôtt jobbat gubbar!!! Bara spurten kvar…
Magnus Olsson and his team of Nordic sailors onboard Ericsson 3 rounded the legendary Cape Horn at 1222 GMT today in pole position and in daylight, gaining maximum points at the scoring gate.
Ericsson 4 (Torben Grael/BRA) will be the next boat to round the Cape, which marks the border between the Pacific and the Atlantic oceans. At the time of Ericsson 3’s rounding, Ericsson 4 was 36 miles astern, a gap that has now closed to 18nm.
“It looks like the Ericsson 3 boys have managed to hold us off – and fair play to them – they played a good move early after the last scoring gate, a move which none of the rest of us were brave enough to play,” said Ericsson 4’s MCM Guy Salter.
For every sailor, the achievement of rounding this notorious Cape, which is the tip of one small island with a lighthouse, situated in one of the most remote areas in the world, is never diminished, no matter how many times they do it.
Spain’s Guillermo Altadill, who has rounded the Cape six times, describes the experience:
“I can only imagine it must be similar to a marathon runner on arrival at the stadium, with only 400 metres left after his epic 26 miles, to look up and see the public awaiting him. Except that, on that rock there is no public. And when you are lucky enough to get close enough, and on a clear day, you look up at that black rock with its lighthouse and all the legends that surround it, and it makes you think that whatever happens from that moment onwards, you have fulfilled your objective: to arrive in one piece.”
For Ericsson 3, Cape Horn almost lived up to its notorious reputation, producing 25 knot winds and massive seas, but Ericsson 4 is expecting full storm conditions when they round next in line. The crew is looking forward to it.
“There has been a chat about rights earned for passing the Horn: earrings, feet on the table at meal times, and tattoos of tall ships under full sail,” says Salter in anticipation.
All Ericsson 3 has to do now is to turn north and keep the fleet at bay. No easy task, when the skipper of the chasing Ericsson 4, Torben Grael, is one the golden boys in Olympic sailing and close quarter, tactical racing is what he excels at. They now face a long battle of over 2,000 nm to the finish in Rio.
Cape Horn Scoring Gate
(boat/rounding time/gate points)Ericsson 3: 1222 GMT: 4 points
Distance to Cape Horn at 1222 GMT
Ericsson 4 – 36.91nm
PUMA – 141.21 nm
Green Dragon – 229.49 nm
Telefónica Blue- 766.86 nmLeg Five Day 32: 1300 GMT Volvo Ocean Race Positions
(boat name/country/skipper/nationality/distance to finish)Ericsson 3 SWE (Magnus Olsson/SWE) DTF 2264 nm
Ericsson 4 SWE (Torben Grael/BRA) +18
PUMA Racing Team USA (Ken Read/USA) +119
Green Dragon IRL/CHI (Ian Walker/GBR) +210
Telefónica Blue ESP (Bouwe Bekking/NED) +746Delta Lloyd IRL (Roberto Bermudez/ESP) DNS
Telefónica Black ESP (Fernando Echávarri/ESP) DNS
Team Russia RUS (Andreas Hanakamp/AUT) DNS
Mar 17, 2009 @ 21:59
Sam V
Mar 17, 2009 @ 23:01
Mar 17, 2009 @ 23:38
va hände med E3an nu, vid senaste uppdateringen är E4an nästan ikapp och E3an loggar 2,3 knop. Det verkar blåsa runt 15-20 knop i området så de kan väl inte hamnat i ett vindhål…
Mar 18, 2009 @ 00:32
Bragdguld till E3!
Mar 18, 2009 @ 11:12
Carl f
Mar 18, 2009 @ 11:24
Här ligt att se att E3 & E4 har ökat på ledningen med 47 resp 43 nm senaste 3h ! Otroligt.
Stort grattis till Mange.
Mar 18, 2009 @ 12:08
De är påväg in i ett spännande läge kan bli omstart. Kul att E3 var först runt hornet men det känns lite avslaget med några som inte kom till start och några som inte kan gå för fullt.
Erik B
Mar 18, 2009 @ 12:12
Storartat! Full respekt! Hands down…
Mar 18, 2009 @ 14:00
DG, det var visst ett vindhål vid Le Maire Strait med gummisnoddseffekt. E3 dock snabbast ur hålet och bibehåller ledningen.
Melges 134
Mar 18, 2009 @ 14:07
Blir nog F1 taktik, E3 släpper förbi E4 strax innan målgång.
Mar 18, 2009 @ 15:32
Nää, aldrig att de släpper nu! Hejjahejja!
Mar 18, 2009 @ 16:02
Sam V
Mar 18, 2009 @ 16:17
Inte en chans att E3 släpper förbi E4 frivilligt. Men det är långt kvar med bleken och möjliga omstarter så mycket kan hända.
Melges 134
Mar 18, 2009 @ 16:40
De släpper nog inte frivilligt, “stallorder”
Sam V
Mar 18, 2009 @ 16:57
En sån stallorder skulle ge mycket badwill. Att en E-båt kommer först viktigast. E4 tar hem totalen ändå.
Richard D.
Mar 18, 2009 @ 19:15
Mange is da shit!!
Mar 19, 2009 @ 09:57
GO motherfuckers!
Mar 19, 2009 @ 15:19
grattis boys att ni är först hit…