Sweet… Baltic 65 Stig
Baltic Yachts har ju levererat många fina båtar, men ibland dyker det upp någonting utöver det vanliga. Italienska Stig hamnar definitivt i den kategorin.
The Baltic 65 named Stig was successfully launched and test sailed in Finland end of May before being shipped to the Mediterranean. While this judel/vrolijk yacht has been built with racing and cruising in mind, racing is arguably the higher priority. The Baltic 65 Stig is probably one of the most high-performance boats ever constructed at Baltic Yachts’ yard, with the owner intending to be very competitive under the IRC rating rule against all-out race yachts such as the STP65. “It won’t be a spartan race boat,” says Project Manager Jonas Krokvik, “because it still has a full interior. But there have been some important concessions to weight. For example there is no teak on the deck, it is painted instead to save weight and reduce heeling moment.”
Baltic 65 Stig has been equipped with two mainsails, one with minimum roach for ease of handling with a permanent backstay, and a racing mainsail with big roach, which will entail running backstays led to either aft quarter. A racing yacht should preferably have a very deep keel whereas a cruising yacht should reach also shallow waters. Therefore Baltic 65 Stig has a telescopic lifting keel that is located completely outside and does not influence the interior or limit the cabin arrangements. For cruising the telescopic keel will make the Baltic 65 Stig a versatile yacht for visiting shallow bays and harbours, with the 4.1m draft capable of reducing by 1.2m.
The interior layout is very interesting combining a twin cockpit deck layout with a single aft entrance. This enables an interior layout with a saloon area aft and all living space forward. The interior is very modern and will be minimally fitted out, with very little permanent furniture.
Together with Rolf Vrolijk a number of VPP studies were run on various Length/Beam-, Displ/Length- plus SailArea/Displ ratios in order to optimize the yacht as much as possible to meet the given conditions. All these various concept, layout and performance studies that resulted in Baltic 65 Stig have been worked out in cooperation between Baltic Yachts, judel/vrolijk & co, R&J Design and Baltic Yachts’ representative in Italy, Alessandro Vismara.
Naval Architect: judel/vrolijk & co
Concept and Interior design: Baltic Yachts / R&J Design
LOA 21,13 m
LWL 17,33 m
Beam 4,95 m
Draft 2,90/4,10 m
Displacement 17900 kg | Ballast 6790 kg
I 25,50 | J 7,55 | P 26,50 | E 8,80 m
Hull & deck laminate Carbon Epoxy composite with Core-Cell foam
Keel Telescopic
Interior Teak
Deck fitting Harken
Mast and rigging Hall Spars. Three spreader carbon mast with seamless carbon rigging
Main engine Volkswagen 165-5 diesel 121 kW (165 hp) at 4000
Accomodation 3 cabins
Delivered year 2010
Oct 25, 2010 @ 19:40
Intressant “brunn” för hantering av nylonsegel… Skönt att slippa ta ner blöta segel i båten…
Tweets that mention Sweet… Baltic 65 Stig | BLUR -- Topsy.com
Oct 25, 2010 @ 21:52
[…] This post was mentioned on Twitter by Peter Gustafsson, Vincent Salzedo. Vincent Salzedo said: RT @blursailing: Sweet… Baltic 65 Stig http://goo.gl/fb/U5yQe […]
Oct 26, 2010 @ 11:23
Stor båt-liten brunn…
Oct 26, 2010 @ 14:21
Schysst åk. Men Stig!?
Oct 26, 2010 @ 14:31
För oss Top Gear-fans är namnet positivt!
Oct 26, 2010 @ 14:28
en sån ska jag ha…kanske kan de ta en lätt bedagad skönhet First 50 i inbyte
Oct 26, 2010 @ 22:50
Lite snålt med kojplatser för en så stor båt…
Oct 28, 2010 @ 19:27
För många båtar av den typen i Sverige och vi hade fått börja segla Matchrace på Tjörn runt. 17 pers vad gör alla om bord. Det räcker ju med två.
Men hon skapar ett ha begär. Undra om dom tar en Cumulus i inbyte.