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  1. Mattias Bodlund
    Oct 25, 2015 @ 12:07

    Tror live sändning kommer här:


  2. Peter Gustafsson
    Oct 26, 2015 @ 08:57

    Grym split i IMOCA-fleeten. Hugo Boss leder i trackingen, men många andra investerar hårt i en västligare rutt. Också svårt att se någon skillnad mellan de olika typerna så långt.



  3. Peter Gustafsson
    Oct 26, 2015 @ 09:40

    Snygg film från Hugo Boss:


  4. Martin
    Oct 26, 2015 @ 17:10

    Var hittar man trckingen? Länk?


  5. Peter Gustafsson
    Oct 26, 2015 @ 21:51

    Maitre CoQ & Edmond De Rothschild har brutit.


  6. Peter Gustafsson
    Oct 26, 2015 @ 22:23

    Och Safran.

    Damage on Safran, heading to Brest

    At 2020 hrs CET this evening, Morgan Lagravière, skipper of the IMOCA 60 Safran, contacted the Transat Jacques Vabre Race Directors to inform them there had been some damage aboard.

    The crew (Morgan Lagravière and Nicolas Lunven) has taken the decision to head for Brest.

    Both skippers are fine and the conditions should allow them to reach the Breton port.


  7. Peter Gustafsson
    Oct 27, 2015 @ 00:17

    Prince de Bretagne Capsize, Skippers safe

    The Ultime trimaran of Lionel Lemonchois and Roland Jourdain has capsized while they were 140 miles off La Coruna. The two co-skippers are safe and have taken shelter inside the trimaran. They have not requested assistance and their technical team is making every effort to organise help to rescue them and their vessel. At the time of the incident the boat was upwind in 20 to 25kts of SSW’ly wind.


  8. Pelle Pedersen
    Oct 28, 2015 @ 16:31

    Verkar som att Hugo B kastar in handuken…


    • Johan S
      Oct 28, 2015 @ 17:52

      Kanske inte än:
      “Alex Thomson and Guillermo Altadill, skippers of yacht HUGO BOSS in the Transat Jacques Vabre made the decision to hove to at 15.00 UT this afternoon. They have some technical problems which need immediate attention. The skippers will spend the next few hours attempting to make the repairs at sea and then will evaluate the situation with the technical team.
      Stewart Hosford Managing Director of Alex Thomson Racing says “It is important that we ensure the repairs are made before continuing across the Atlantic. The skippers are well and working hard to ensure a swift solution to the problem if possible.’
      Alex Thomson Racing will keep everyone updated on our website.”


    • Jonas
      Oct 31, 2015 @ 17:49

      HB sjunker! Besättningen uppfiskad med helikopter.

      Så långt får vi nog säga att de gamla båtarna står sig rätt väl i och med att de flesta fortfarande är med i racet, även om de också verkar ha ganska många haverier…


  9. Patrick L
    Oct 28, 2015 @ 17:10

    BLÄ vad trist!


  10. Peter Gustafsson
    Oct 31, 2015 @ 18:39

    Inte kul. Kändes ändå som de tog det lugnt…

    Thomson and Altadill Helicoptered off Hugo Boss. Both safe and sound.


    Update – Emergency Situation – Alex Thomson Racing

    Alex Thomson and Guillermo Altadill, skippers of yacht HUGO BOSS in the Transat Jacques Vabre set off their emergency beacon this afternoon at 13.25UT. The Spanish Coastguard was informed and sent a rescue helicopter to their location 82 nautical miles from the Spanish coast. Both Alex and Guillermo were rescued from the location by helicopter and are on their way back to land.

    HUGO BOSS incurred some structural damage earlier this week forcing Alex and Guillermo to stop racing. The Skippers had made a repair and were on route to A Coruna where the technical team were waiting to meet them. After sailing for a period of 36 hours in high seas and strong winds, the structure of the boat deteriorated further and the boat started to take on water and sink. The technical team are in A Coruna, Spain awaiting further information from the coast guard.

    Managing Director Stewart Hosford expresses ‘Our first concern is with Alex and Guillermo and when they are safely on the ground we will address the situation with our IMOCA 60 and begin the salvage process. We are grateful for the swift response from the rescue services in this situation.’


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