Midsummer Solo Challenge = Monday
OK, we think we’re all set to open the registration to a new type of challenge on June 7-10.
Note. Maximum 50 boats this year to be able to test the concept and then we’ll scale it in 2019. Interest has been great, but it’s important to get this right from the start.
Set your alarms for Monday March 12th 21:00.
All info, rules and a walk through of the course at midsummersolo.com.
This is the first edition of the Midsummer Solo Challenge. It’s something out of the ordinary for those who want to sail 120+ nm solo in one of the worlds most beautiful (and challenging) archipelagoes.
This at a time of year when the nights are warm and the sun barely sets (the photo above is from just before midnight).
Come with any boat you want. No ratings. No difficult rules. You just have to know how long it is. And have some basic safety equipment.Register here.
Show up. Your fellow skippers will help you when you get to Marstrand.
Meet all the other skippers at dinner Thursday evening. It’s included. We’ll go through the starts and anything else you need to know.
Get some sleep.
Enjoy the challenge.
Finish before 12.00 Sunday. Get your finisher polo. Grab a beer. Share stories with your fellow skippers.
Mar 10, 2018 @ 18:15
Det där verkar riktigt skoj!
Mar 10, 2018 @ 19:02
Verkligen, kan bli hur bra somhelst!
Thomas Wiberg
Mar 11, 2018 @ 15:49
Ser jättekul ut! En helt annan typ av utmaning än Silverrudder. Relativt mycket segling i gruset där lokalkännedom eller i alla fall vana vid Bohusskärgården är en fördel och en lång sträcka utomskärs på det. Blir kul att följa. Blir ingen anmälan från min sida, gubben är för sliten för såna äventyr, men stort lycka till med evenemanget!