Best, perfectly average yacht?
Thomas Tison (som tidigare var i designteamet i Artemis och nu jobbar med den här) är precis som alla andra på väg till Düsseldorf.
Han behöver hjälp att nominera lite båtar i de här kategorierna.
Eller helt nya kategorier?
Vem åker ner i år?
I bumped into someone the other day and he said: Thomas, you work on all these projects and nobody knows about it!
So I thought hard…and after a while decided to splash some money, big money, and hire Jeremy Clarkson. Ze Jeremy Clarkson…well almost.
Anyway … he said Thomas we have to do a ranking of the best boats at the Dusseldorf boat show, everybody talks about it. I said I don’t like most production boats I don’t want to do it. But after having told me about how the market decides, that the majority is always right … I gave up… I had already paid him after all.
I told him to come up with a serious list of categories that would look at key naval architectural aspects only. He came up with 7 prizes.
The categories for 2019 are:
1/ price for the very best, perfectly average yacht
2/ price for the ultimate equilibrium between form and function
3/ price for the safest groundbreaking innovation
4/ price of elegance for the most beautiful lines and proportions
5/ price for the best visionary market vision of a visionary
6/ price for the very best novel useful gadget
7/ price for the very best hydrodynamically advanced hull shape
Now get to work!
#dusseldorfboatshow #bootdusseldorf #navalarchitecture #jeremyclarkson
Jan 16, 2019 @ 21:15
Intressant uppslag, får se vad jag kan komma fram till.