Nyfiken på… Carlo Borlenghi, seglingsfotograf
Carlo Borlenghi (sea-see) är född 1956 vid Como-sjön i Italien. Sedan 1978 är han specialicerad på marinfotografering och en av de de mest aktiva fortograferna idag. Han har varit officiell fotograf i Americas Cup (Italia, Moro di Venezia, Luna Rossa), Whitbread/Volvo (Gatorade, Brooksfield, Merit och Merit Cup samt Amer Sports) och The Race (Club Med). Han är också officiell fotograf för alla Rolex-sponsrade regattor. Bland andra uppdragsgivare finns Baltic, Camper & Nicholsons, Nautor, Riva och Wally.
Wild Oats, Alfa Romeo & Sydney Opera House
Nästan alla andra seglingsfotografer nämner Carlo som en inspirationskälla! Han har fotograferat till nästan 20 böcker, t.ex. About Sail där han hittar former som ser ut som segel i vardagen. Cool!
How did you start with sailing photography?
I was born on Como Lake and my passion was photography.
I begin to shoot my first regattas on the lake
Which picture are you most satisfied with?
There’s not a specific picture but a new angle you succeed to create or a new way to view a nautical image. When you succeed in finding one maybe that’s the best picture.
Best regatta to shoot?
The Rolex Sydney Hobart
Worst regatta to shoot?
Any regatta without wind; and all the match races which want to imitate America’s Cup but arranged with bad looking boats full of sponsors; these pictures are useless.
Who inspires you (other photographers)?
No, only a natural born passion and then a work is born.
What gear do you usually use/favor (camera/lenses)?
Camera: Camon Digital Mark II Lens: from 17 to 600mm
Any advise for those who want to become a better sailing photograph?
Patient, technical at the just point but not too much , it’s much important to decide what you want to do and trying to translate in picture in the shortest time.
You can shoot the most beautiful pictures with every kind of wind and sea, you don’t need necessarily strong wind to take nice pictures, it’s easier, of course, but everybody can do it.
Equipment is pretty important because you have to produce high quality material that you’ve to give to the customer.
How do you see sailing photography develop in the future?
Competition is a lot in this moment, so many brains create continuously new ideas. Unfortunately we miss the young entry (I guess because the market it’s completely full).
Carlo Borlenghi levererar | blur
Sep 7, 2007 @ 10:43
[…] rundar på Sardinien. Det vimlar av fantastiska bilder från Porto Cervo… Både Carlo Borlenghi och Kurt Arrigo är i högform. Foto: Rolex/Carlo […]
Rolex Capri Sailing Week 2008 | blur
May 24, 2008 @ 21:23
[…] är ett antal sjyssta bilder från nyss avslutade Capri Sailing Week. Återigen är det Carlo Borlenghi som levererar. Alla foton: ROLEX/Carlo […]