Fastnet fullt på 24 minuter
Idag klockar 13:00 svensk tid så öppnade anmälningen till Fastnet Race. Vi kom in på listan under de första sekunderna och 24 minuter senare så var det 300 båtar på listan. Det vill säga fullt. Just nu är det över 400, och det blir väl en del änringar eftersom RORC-medlemmar har företräd och alla brukar inte kvala in.
J/111 Blur är i alla fall med.
Vi vet också att minst en annan svensk båt kommer. Mer info inom kort.
Per H
Jan 12, 2015 @ 22:19
Peter Gustafsson
Jan 12, 2015 @ 23:02
Refanut har sagt att de skall segla, 40-fotaren från Stockholm, en chartrad Reflex 38 och så vi under svensk flagg.
Och så Camper från Norge.
Johan B
Jan 12, 2015 @ 23:37
Snyggt! Första steget av många är taget :)
Lycka till med satsningen!
Team Styrbord
Jan 13, 2015 @ 14:42
Vi är också med på den sköna resan runt Fastnet Rock.
First 40 Sailplane GBR 4013R seglar med helsvensk besättning…
Det är samma skuta vi seglade med 2013.
Peter Gustafsson
Jan 13, 2015 @ 15:44
300 entries register in first 24 minutes
RORC Racing Manager Nick Elliott predicted ‘a scramble for places’ last October when it was announced that priority would be given to RORC members wishing to secure a place in the historic race celebrating its 90th year. He wasn’t wrong. Just 24 minutes after the online entry system opened at midday on 12th January, over 300 boats had registered for the Rolex Fastnet Race. The frenetic trend continued and by the end of the afternoon, 375 boats had signed up for the biennial 608-nautical miler, which has been an established fixture on the ocean racing circuit since 1925.
“Within 24 hours of online entries opening in the race two years ago it was oversubscribed, and with a waiting list. We thought that was remarkable, but yesterday we reached the same number in 24 minutes! The Rolex Fastnet Race has great reverence with sailors worldwide wishing to compete in this iconic race and add it to their bucket list,” says Elliott.
Still time to register an entry – priority to RORC members
All is not lost for those who still wish to enter. Following the popularity of the 2013 race, when the entry limit was increased to 340 boats, the RORC Committee decided that RORC members would get priority for the first week of registration. Boats have to meet the strict entry qualification and training criteria of the race and after Sunday 18th January, all registered boats will be sorted and places offered on a first come, first served basis, with RORC members receiving priority over non-members. Boats registering after this date will be allocated places in the order in which they apply, regardless of membership.
The advice from the RORC Race Team is to register as soon as possible and a useful guide for entrants, explaining the main points needed to consider before entering – crew qualification, boat suitability and the process of entry itself – is available on the RORC Rolex Fastnet Race minsite.
80 years on, 1935 Fastnet winner returns
Among the first boats to register their entry for the 2015 Rolex Fastnet Race was one of the best-known and loved classic yachts sailing today, Stormy Weather, the 1934 Sparkman & Stephens 52ft yawl who was named after the song. She has an illustrious racing pedigree, winning the King’s Cup in the Newport-Bergen Transatlantic Race a year after she was launched, before arriving to see Uffa Fox in Cowes in 1935 and going on to win the Fastnet Race the same year.
The race had just 17 starters and Stormy was the only American entry in a fleet dominated by 13 British entries. **Although some of the British press displayed a severe case of “sour grapes” when they bemoaned the quality, and perhaps quantity, of Stormy’s sails, Yachting World gallantly noted that, “By winning the Fastnet Cup in such a convincing manner, [Stormy Weather] has demonstrated her right to be the champion deep-sea yacht of the world.” And went on to add, “At the same time she is undoubtedly of a type which is well suited to the requirements of ordinary cruising.”
So far, six S & S-designed classic yachts have signed up for the race, including Matt Brooks’ 52ft yawl, Dorade which claimed victory for the second time in 2013 Transpac, 77 years after she won it in 1936.
The 46th edition of one of sailing’s greatest contests – the Rolex Fastnet Race – reconvenes on Sunday 16th August, starting from Cowes, Isle of Wight to Plymouth via the Fastnet Rock.
** Extract from former owner of Stormy Weather, Paul Adamthwaite, who has written extensively about her history.
Royal Blöör
Jan 15, 2015 @ 17:15
Jaså? Har du redan fått dit svar från RORC? Jag trodde att det var först den 18e RORC meddelade om man fick vara med?
Peter Gustafsson
Jan 15, 2015 @ 17:18
Eftersom jag reggade mig under de första 30 sekunderna samt har företräde som RORC-medlem, så är jag ganska säker på att vi kommer med.
Royal Blöör
Jan 15, 2015 @ 17:32
Ok kul. Lycka till det är ett kul race. Det är alltid kul när det kommer lite fler Svenska båtar till start.
Royal Blöör
Jan 15, 2015 @ 17:38
Ps. Håll i mätbrevet det kan vara blåsigt på Nordsjön
Peter Gustafsson
Jan 20, 2015 @ 08:24
“This email is to inform you that SWE69 Blur has been successful in gaining a place in the 2015 Rolex Fastnet Race. The boat has now been transferred into the race by the RORC Race Team. Your crew list has been preserved.”
Pelle Pedersen
Jan 20, 2015 @ 09:34
Ett av MÅNGA steg taget!!
Team Styrbord
Jan 20, 2015 @ 11:55
Kul, jag fick ett likadant mail i inkorgen. Superkul. Det här blir som vanligt årets höjdare.
Vilket kvalificeringsrace kör ni? Vi tänkte segla Cervantes trophy i slutet av april.
Peter Gustafsson
Jan 20, 2015 @ 12:01
Vi skall försöka få godkänt för Skagen Race + Sjælland Rundt. Båten seglas över i månadsskiftet juli/aug.
Team Styrbord
Jan 20, 2015 @ 12:05
Du bör även kunna få med tillfartsseglingen i kvalificeringen..
Peter Gustafsson
Jan 20, 2015 @ 12:11
Man skall ju ha med minst 50% av besättningen, och jag är inte säker på att det blir tidseffektivt. Dessutom så vill jag inte göra den turen i “race mode”.
Vi siktar på att köra racen på hemmaplan med 100% rätt besättning och sedan vara på plats veckan innan för att förbereda oss.
Peter Gustafsson
Jan 28, 2015 @ 19:41
“Thank you for your qualification proposal for
the Rolex Fastnet Race 2015, which is accepted.”
Qualification Proposal Rolex Fastnet Race
At least 50% (probably 100%) of the crew intending to participate
on my J/111 “Blur” SWE-69 in the Rolex Fastnet Race propose to do
the following races:
a) Helly Hansen Skagen Race (Norway to Denmark)
May 13-15, Bærum Seilforening
about 115 nm
b) Sjælland Rundt (Denmark)
June 25-27, Helsingør Sejlklub
about 232 nm
Total at least 347 nm overnight racing.
See attachment for the team’s recent race history.
I am aware that races have to be completed to count towards the
qualification mileage. In the event of any changes to races or crew
composition in the above proposal I will promptly inform the RORC
in writing.
Marcus Sylvin
Jan 28, 2015 @ 20:55
Har någon tipps på vart man kan vända sig om man vill delta på någon båt under Rolex Fastnet Race 2015?
Peter Gustafsson
Jan 28, 2015 @ 20:58
“RORC Crew Register” har funkat bra för flera som jag pratat med. Även för gastar.