Utbytesprogram för tidiga Raymarine e7
Jag har ju tidigare skrivit om min Raymarine e7 som jag gillar, även om det varit lite strul med pekskärmen. Nu fick jag tips (tack Ola) om att det fanns ett utbytesprogram där gamla modeller får en ny skärm.
Skickade in den förra veckan. Idag kom en annan enhet tillbaka. Ser ny ut. Snygg kundhantering.
Update your e7/e7D with a new and improved touchscreen
Recently, Raymarine has identified a potential touchscreen alignment issue in some e7 and e7D multifunction displays. Customers may experience an issue with the e7/e7D touchscreen, which may cause the alignment to drift and cause potentially poor and inaccurate touchscreen performance. The touchscreen alignment procedure described in the e7/e7D manual will remedy the problem temporarily, but over extended use, the e7/e7D touchscreen performance may degrade again.
Raymarine is committed to customer satisfaction and quality, ensuring all our customers experience the best performance possible when using our products. A remedy to the potential touchscreen issue has been identified and as a result Raymarine is launching a customer care campaign for all e7 and e7D owners who experience touchscreen issues.
e7/e7D owners experiencing touchscreen alignment issues or e7/e7D owners wishing to avoid potential future touchscreen performance issues can have their e7/e7D replaced directly by Raymarine. Raymarine will provide a replacement e7/e7D equipped with a reworked LCD touchscreen assembly that provides reliable and accurate touchscreen performance.
The touchscreen alignment issue only affects the e7/e7D models. The new 7″ aSeries uses a different touchscreen design that is not affected by this issue.
May 18, 2014 @ 19:58
Skickade du den till England eller någonstans i Sverige?
Har fyllt i registreringen men vill inte skcka iväg plottern nu när säsongen är igång…
May 18, 2014 @ 20:45
Ja. Till England med Posten (som var billigast i mitt fall), Kom tillbaka med DHL Express. Var borta typ en vecka.